As for me, I'd describe myself as quite a relaxed individual. I am not much of an overthinker and can easily adapt to situations without feeling anxious. But there are several issues that trigger my so-called 'moral outrage.' What I really dislike is not enjoying things, but these three things I have a very strong negative feeling about, and I can't seem to get over them.

Andre Hunter
First up - rudeness. I find it very hard to endure when individuals misbehave, especially when they are impolite to others. It's understandable that everyone can have worse days when, for example, they may scold someone or be rude in some way. But I'm talking about people who deliberately offend and speak to others rudely. It appears to give them some sort of satisfaction from demeaning others or simply turning their nose up at them - the willful bullies. I know not everyone has been educated on manners, but the more I grow, the less I can tolerate people who are defiantly rude rather than being rude due to lack of knowledge.
Thankfully, I'm not exposed to real blatant rudeness from people very often. Sometimes I do come across them, and if I do, I simply try to minimize my interaction with them. In case I'm unable to escape them, I don't stoop low to reciprocate their behavior but instead attempt to outdo them by being very polite. It is, however, not entirely devoid of the capacity for raising my blood pressure every time and putting me in a foul mood. Being rude is probably my biggest turn-off because there are certain manners that we all have to learn and need to uphold.

Zan Lazarevic
The second item on my list of things I really can't stand – animal cruelty. First of all, I'll state that I'm not one of those obsessive animal lovers. However, just the mere idea of someone being cruel to an animal brings out the worst in me. Like, why are you doing that?
Those individuals who arrange dog fights as entertainment, who starve their pets and don't give them shelter, who abandon their pets by the roadside – these are some of the people I feel nauseated just thinking about.
If only I could, I would put an end to animal cruelty all over the globe; however, as for me, I do my best to care for my dad's dog
And lastly, I have a lot of tolerance for different kinds of people, but willful ignorance is something I really can't take. A situation where people intentionally shut their ears and hearts, refusing to accept anything rational, reasonable, or based on reality. When they hold on to manifestly untrue beliefs because they don't want to upset their existing paradigm or they cannot because that is how long they have been stuck in a particular mindset.
I guess the only thing that I have learned to do in order to deal with this level of frustration is to tell myself that if people do not wish to think rationally, then there is no way through which I can help them do so. Much as I fancy giving them a good shake, I have to let it go for my own welfare and well-being. As much as possible, I do not engage in arguments with the willfully ignorant on the particular issues in question. And I attempt to direct that passion into more constructive dialogues with individuals still receptive to a rational understanding of facts.
So there you have it - my top three dislikes and how I cope with them: offensive language, cruelty to animals, and reckless disregard. Each one makes me feel a level of frustration and negativity which I must actively work against slipping into. But indulgence in hate just made me an angry, and feel like a depressed person most of the time. I am actually of a calm temperament, that is why I have to restrain myself from dealing with these things as they can ruin things for me.
At the same time, although I do not like them, I have to live with them. What about you?
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
People's rudeness is hurting for all of us. I don't know about this non-sense behavior. People just for their own fun offended others and misbehave them that is worst. I also hate people who show cruel behaviour for animals. We should educate people about animal right. Arrogant people are most merciless people I have seen. It is a Good post navigating valid points for better humanity.
Invariably you're an animal lover, hehehe...
There are just some characters that should be eradicated from earth honestly that people shouldn't even keep portraying and this rudeness is up there on the list... It pays no one to be rude yet people are rude for no reason.
Beautiful post
That is the world fir us. Personality differences is where the madness comes from.
We need to know when to cut off from rude behaved people.
Yeah, that's right.
First off, why will you be rude? If you don't want me to ever talk to you again, just try being rude. You don't even have to talk to me personally, I just have to watch you speak rudely to someone else and that will be enough for me. One thing I hate is disrespect and rudeness falls under the same umbrella. I'll never rate rude people.
I completely agree with you! Rudeness and disrespect are unacceptable.
Hello @jessicaossom , what a great post. I agree with you on everything.
Throughout my life, I’ve had to deal with people like that, those who enjoy mistreating others and are often manipulative. I’m always working internally to avoid falling into their provocations, and as you say, the best approach is to remain very polite.
On another note, I’ve always found it suspicious when some people are so dismissive of animals, to the point of showing very contemptuous gestures toward them. While you don’t necessarily have to love them, respecting them and not causing harm should be enough. I truly don’t understand what goes through the minds of those who do such horrible things to animals. It’s completely unnecessary.
I'm so with you on that. Some people just don't get it, but it's all about treating others with kindness and respect - humans and animals alike!