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RE: The Things I Just Can’t Abide

in Hive Learners9 months ago

Hello @jessicaossom , what a great post. I agree with you on everything.

Throughout my life, I’ve had to deal with people like that, those who enjoy mistreating others and are often manipulative. I’m always working internally to avoid falling into their provocations, and as you say, the best approach is to remain very polite.

On another note, I’ve always found it suspicious when some people are so dismissive of animals, to the point of showing very contemptuous gestures toward them. While you don’t necessarily have to love them, respecting them and not causing harm should be enough. I truly don’t understand what goes through the minds of those who do such horrible things to animals. It’s completely unnecessary.

 9 months ago  

I'm so with you on that. Some people just don't get it, but it's all about treating others with kindness and respect - humans and animals alike!