May God forgive me because, during morning devotion, my mind was how I would get my phone charged.>
Hehehe. This got me cracked up.
Phone is a very important gadget. It has really helped a lot of people financially, emotionally and mentally.
168 hours without checking your WhatsApp message. A whole seven days without going through your Facebook, instagram of twitter feeds!! Some people won’t survive it (maybe you too?😂).
But to look on the bright side, there are lot of benefits there. I mean, taking a break off your phone for sometime isn’t so bad, or is it? Sometimes when I’m stressed or worried, I take a break off my phone (especially off social media platforms ) and do some other things.
Just like burlarj, don’t forget to start saving incase of emergencies. So this “one week without cellphone” wouldn’t come to reality.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes oo! I can't survive it at all. We have been so addicted to it that it's hard to stay away from it but there are good sides to it just as you have said. We would be able to do other things.
Thank you 😊