No access to my gadgets. What a boring life.

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)

Brooke Cagle from Unsplash

Last week, my laptop got shut down and didn't come on. I was at that point devastated. This is something that I have been addicted to, and at that moment, I was running up and down trying to get someone who could fix it in a day for me.

I was recommended to someone who is an expert, and when I took it to him, he checked for the possible solution, as I sat down waiting for him to hand over my stuff back to me and say “Your system has been fixed.”

But I got the shock of my life when he said, it will be ready the next Tuesday. I counted with my fingers. This means I would be without my system for six days 😳😳😳

Another scenario was when I visited my Aunt, and there was no light for two days. My phone and power banks were dead. That was when I realized my life revolves around my phone. I saw that I have been too addicted to that phone.

I lost concentration on things going on around me. May God forgive me because, during morning devotion, my mind was how I would get my phone charged. 😅😅😅

I took out the money I didn't want to spend and gave it to my brother to go look for fuel, so we could power on the generator, but he came back saying he couldn't find any fuel station.

Well, my Aunt just relocated to the area, and it was still new to us. I gave up and accepted my fate.

At least humans still coped without phones in the past, and not when technology got advanced now. Many of us now make use of our phones and computers for businesses. We are so addicted to it that it's difficult for us to feel too well without any of them. The phone or laptop is a source of income for many people.

For someone like me, I have always been with my phone, and the only time it rests is when I sleep or I get tired, which will only last for a few minutes, as I would have concluded of having rested. I can't do without any of these gadgets because most of what I do, is on them.

I use my phone for my morning devotion because I have some topics I study from the Bible App and it makes the moment interesting and fun, than praying always.

What if I couldn't have access to any of these stuff for a week, what will happen?

I don't have a choice though, but I feel I would be more connected to my friends and family. I have always enjoyed my privacy with my phone, locked in my room with no distraction.

Many times, my friends had complained that I only spend my time with my phone and not with them, and they feel I am proud 😬. At this moment, I will give them my full time, even though it will be boring at some point.

Reading books. I noticed that when I do not have anything to do on my phone, and I need something to keep me busy, I will take a novel to read. I don't like seeing myself not doing anything, especially when I am not with my phone.

There was a time, I had a flat battery and a friend decided to go into the school to charge. I gave her my phone to help me too, and for several hours, I was on my book reading. At that moment, I knew my phone had been taking the space of other things. I have starved myself many times because of this phone. I think it's a spirit 😂

I will also start jotting things down in my notebook. At least for that week, I wouldn't want to let those ideas skip away. I will start writing and keeping them until I can have access to my gadgets.

Also, living my life for a week without a phone or laptop will create more time for sleep. Yes, everywhere will be boring to me, and I will just prepare my meals, eat and sleep. The circle continues when I wake up. It will not be easy at all but like I said, I don't have a choice.

In summary, I don't think such can happen. This is why I resorted to getting two big power banks that would last me for days even though there is no electricity.

I can't do without the two gadgets, especially my phone. It's just like MTN (Everywhere you go) even when going to poo 🥱

I read @burlarj's post some hours ago, and he said he always saves for an emergency, especially for his gadgets. I found this nice, and I would start adopting the method because just like my system that got faulty, I never expected to spend such an amount.

The money was meant for my foodstuffs, but I don't have a choice but to spend it on my laptop.

Thanks for your time


 3 years ago  

This is so unbelievable for me. Would I be able to bear all these? A day without gadgets, let alone one week will be devastating for me.

 3 years ago  

So devastating. I just can't imagine it

What a life💔💔💔🤓

 3 years ago  

Indeed! What a life! 😅

 3 years ago  

It's just boring to stay without a digital device but our grand father's and mothers were still comfortable with it though even though they are becoming to key into it now.
Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago  

Yes, in the past, they still endure it and were used to it. But now, everyone is so addicted to technology.

 3 years ago  

i guess you do not have many computer engineers in your area, whenever i have a problem with my laptop, it get fixed that same day but having to wait six days? that is too long... Good you were able to get it fixed tho!

And yea, always have an emergency fund for your phone and pc just incase they develop fault...

 3 years ago  

Yes, I was trying to find engineers who could help me out until I got one.
Sure, I don't want what happened to repeat itself again. I will try to save some fund. Thank you

 3 years ago  

there was no light for two days. My phone and power banks were dead.

This! It's situations like this one that always make me to spoil things in the house because I will be so bored to the extent that I will start tinkering with things I'm not supposed to. That was how I spoilt my mom's radio because I opened it up and couldn't fix it back 😂. I wonder how we got to this stage that we can't stay with our phones, back in the days we don't have phones but still found ways to cope. It's easier back then because we haven't used phones before and won't know how it feels to be without one, you can't miss what you never had

 3 years ago  

That was how I spoilt my mom's radio because I opened it up and couldn't fix it back 😂.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I can imagine! Oh my God! This is so funny.

Yes oo, you can't miss what you never had.

There was bad experience living without computer and phones. I think that without computer or phones I can not manage my work and I can not earn money. But, like this time reading book is very good advantage✌️☺️

 3 years ago  

Reading book will be the only option then if it happens. Lol

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 3 years ago  

Thank you 👍💪😎😎

You're welcome @princessbusayo. Looking forward to you reaching your new target 😉🌹

 3 years ago  

I'm too muchly addicted to fun😢, I can't stand staying a night without my baby(phone).
But it's not good the way we are giving much attention to these gadgets neglecting loved ones

 3 years ago  

You are right. There should be a balance and limit to these gadgets so we can have time for other things.

 3 years ago  

May God forgive me because, during morning devotion, my mind was how I would get my phone charged.>

Hehehe. This got me cracked up.

Phone is a very important gadget. It has really helped a lot of people financially, emotionally and mentally.

168 hours without checking your WhatsApp message. A whole seven days without going through your Facebook, instagram of twitter feeds!! Some people won’t survive it (maybe you too?😂).

But to look on the bright side, there are lot of benefits there. I mean, taking a break off your phone for sometime isn’t so bad, or is it? Sometimes when I’m stressed or worried, I take a break off my phone (especially off social media platforms ) and do some other things.

Just like burlarj, don’t forget to start saving incase of emergencies. So this “one week without cellphone” wouldn’t come to reality.

Thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago  

Some people won’t survive it (maybe you too?😂).

Yes oo! I can't survive it at all. We have been so addicted to it that it's hard to stay away from it but there are good sides to it just as you have said. We would be able to do other things.

Thank you 😊

Right now I am not with my phone, its faulty and I know how it feels to stay away without it...i'm sure you'll be fine just a short time

 3 years ago  

Just for a short time, I will be fine but not for a whole week 😅😅

 3 years ago  

You rightly hit the point with your practical experience and how addicted you are to computer. I pray God will provide a new laptop for you.

 3 years ago  

Let me scream Amen because I wouldn't mind having a new one. Thank you 😊

 3 years ago  


 3 years ago  

May God forgive me because, during morning devotion, my mind was how I would get my phone charged. 😅😅😅

See the way I am looking at you👀 🤣🤣🤣, my neighbor in this act..lolz

I am so addicted to my phones that staying one week without it will be life full of emptiness

But then, I think we need this for real, don't you think so? ☺☺

 3 years ago  

See the way I am looking at you👀 🤣🤣🤣, my neighbor in this act..lolz


We sure need the break but please, not for a whole week 😬😬

Half a day is okay 😅

 3 years ago  

Only half a day? 😂😂😂
This babe is not ready for this a tall😂

 3 years ago  

For where? You don hurt me completely 😂😂

 3 years ago  

Life become really bored and unpleasant if all these digital devices aren't around. This leads to bad association of all social vices. But with the onset of these appliance, one could remain indoors, cogitate and plan something meaningful in life. Good write up!

 3 years ago  

You are right. At least we can still try to work around good stuff on our phones and laptops and still do fine. We just need to set limit though because too much of it could lead to something.

There's a lot of benefits that comes with just finding comfort with our phones, because a phone only does what you tell it and gives what you ask for. Hell of a lot easier than having to deal with the complex emotions of human beings.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

You are right. We can't stay long with human. It will get to a point, you will find it boring and start missing your gadget.

 3 years ago  

Our devices have caused lots of distractions but I wouldn't blame anyone because of how good an impact they have on us.

Whenever I don't have access to my devices, I just keep myself busy with other things instead of bothering about how to get them charged. I easily blend into a life without them even though I still miss them.

 3 years ago  

The thing is, we don't have a choice. We would try find other things to do while we wait for it to be charged or repaired. Though, we would still miss them.

I will start writing and keeping them until I can have access to my gadgets.

Everyday I have my self time handwriting. I don't change it for nothing in the world. The rest of the day I am looking to screens, mobile or laptop ones, but that minutes putting my thoughts on the paper are the best for me. 😊

Thank you for the reflection and for sharing it in DreemPort. 🤗

 3 years ago  

Yes, even though you have no access to your gadgets, it doesn't stop us from thinking creatively and imagining different things. So, penning them down would be the best way. I love writing in paper as it is more assimilating that way too.
Thanks for showing up ma 😊

It is always a pleasure. ❤️

Life without a phone is truly unacceptable, but when the dreadful time comes in.. Eeeww we have no choice but to communicate more with family and friends.

Nice work with the pen Princess, waltzed in through Dreemport, enjoy the rest of your day!

 3 years ago  

It is unacceptable my dear. I can't even imagine it. Lol
Truly, even if it happens, we have no choice and we would create more time for family and friends.
Thank you for checking in.

Yes, we should.. You are welcome dearie🤗☺☺

Have you ever had a solar battery charging unit or considered one?
This post was obtained through Dreemport.Our power was out a couple days ago here in the states @princessbusayo, and although it was only about 4 hours, it seemed like an eternity! Hahahahahahahaha, it's like, most of my work and daily life is on a computer lol. At least I have a generator that will run for 23 hours on a pint of petrol, and if the power is out for a day, I fire that up and run a power cord into the house.

 3 years ago  

That was so sad. Even when you have a generator, it's still not compared to a normal light. Thank God there is an alternative. What would have happened? Lol

Yes, I have always had it in mind to get a solar battery to help me. Thanks for checking 😎

What would you have done if you had been born 100 years ago Busayo🤣🤣🤣
Yeah I think we would all read more books!

Popped in today from Dreemport

 3 years ago  

We don't have a choice. Hahahaha
Reading books and we won't even know if there is phone. We would definitely be used to such a life. Lol

That is it, you can't miss what you don't know exists!
Have a happy and funfilled Friday Princess :)