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RE: Health Matters!!!

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Unfortunately, we often put off exams out of fear, but I'm glad you took care of your health. Malaria is a very serious issue. One question is, what would be the average cost of a "basic" health checkup in dollars?

From your description throughout the text, it seems that exam costs are quite expensive. Even when you mention the increase from 10 to 12, it's somewhat proportionally high.

I hope to see more reports that things continue to work out. As you mentioned, we are not and never will be prepared for everything. Unforeseen events happen, but it's good to always try to find the safest ways to take care of our health.


In dollars, it would be somewhere around $15, with today's exchange rate. It might even be less. For a full body checkup.

 2 months ago  

Wow, very cheap! Here in my country it costs around $25 for a relatively complete checkup.