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RE: Fan Frenzy vs. Celebrity Reactions: Finding the Right Balance

in Hive Learners2 days ago

Language Source from Bahasa, and i translate it.

ini menarik sebenarnya, hubungan antara fans dan artis memang kadang membingungkan.Hai @Nkemakonam89, tulisan kamu sudah saya baca.

Saya punya teman, masih satu kampung, dia sangat menidolakan sorang artis, katakanlah bernama A. Semua yang terkait tentang A, di korek semua, dia cari info habis-habisan terkait artis A tersebut.
Suatu ketika saya berbincang-bincang, ngobrol santai saya menyengaja meledek kelemahan/kejelekan si A tersebut, wah wah, seperti mau perang, marah-marah tidak terima dia. ahaha

Memang betul, banyak fans/penggemar yang bersikap berlebihan ketika mengidolakan selebritas favorit mereka yang berefek ke teman sendiri menjadi agak menjauh dan bahkan memusuhi, kan sebenarnya tidak tau juga toh pribadi seperti apa si artis tersebut.


This is actually interesting—sometimes, the relationship between fans and celebrities can be quite confusing. 🤔Hi @Nkemakonam89, I've read your writing. 😊

I have a friend from my hometown who is a huge fan of a certain celebrity, let's call them A. He digs up everything related to A, searching for every possible piece of information about them. 🔍✨
One time, while we were having a casual conversation, I deliberately teased him by pointing out A’s weaknesses or flaws. Oh wow, it was like starting a war! 😂 He got really mad and wouldn’t accept it. Haha!

It's true that many fans tend to be overly attached to their favorite celebrities, to the point where it can affect their friendships—sometimes even causing distance or hostility. 😅 But in reality, they don't even truly know what kind of person the celebrity really is. 🤷‍♂️

Okay, thanks! 👍

 2 days ago  

Hahaha 😂😂... just like some guys supporting football team...the way they react negatively when their opponent fan speak against those they are supporting baffles me.. meanwhile, they don't even know who the celebrity's crazy and