No way I will do home schooling...travelling, volunteering and rather teach kids about life than sending them to school... I don't think school does good to kids, because it ruined my life... by labelling me as stupid, slow and getting ragged, beaten... and insulted...
I will I read books, volunteered, and did home schooling... you just study what you need to then mug up all those nonsense you can't digest...
I don't believe in school system.
Even kids who dont go to school but are trained in basics and go about what they are good at, they will do well...
Sucess and life, is about being your best self, doning what your meant to do and have passion for, school does not bring it out.
School did not work for I hold such views... and there are many like me... check out home schooling its a treand... I think you should research it... school can cripple your self confidence and make you feel like a loser like it did for me!!!
I'm sorry about that school did to you.
I get what it has done to your mental health but nevertheless i get that's your point of view