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RE: Should Children Sue Their Parents? A Personal Reflection

in Hive Learners3 months ago

It is un-African to sue one's parent(s). The Nigerian society has since grown beyond those days where a parents could maltreat their children in an awkward way.
This give the child a right to defend himself by seeking redress. When a parent becomes cruel on his or her child, then it is good to sue such a parents.
Mind you, there are thousands of parents who abuse their children physically, emotionally and even sexually.
The child Right Act has been enacted and many parents are in the correctional centre where their thoughts and behaviours towards their wards.

 3 months ago  

The child Right Act has been enacted and many parents are in the correctional centre where their thoughts and behaviours towards their wards.

There's a need for proper awareness of this initiative. A lot of children needs to know this and take advantage of it
A lot is happening

 3 months ago  

Some parents need to be tutored on the 21st parenting techniques.
School curriculum is already updated on the rights of the child and ways to seek redress.

 3 months ago  

That's a great step.. still people needs to be aware!!