Should Children Sue Their Parents? A Personal Reflection

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Looking back through my childhood days and the kind of discipline I received from my parents, I can only see parents who were trying to build good character in me and educate me on life lessons. I don't know if I would have had the values in me today if those disciplinary measures weren't put in place. Imagine if I had the right as a child to sue my parents whenever I felt they went extreme with their discipline? I feel that doing so will definitely loosen the type of connection that exists between my parents and me. To Sue my Parent? Anyway, this could only work in certain cultures.


Recently, I watched a video of a dad who used petrol to burn his own child out of hot temper. My own stepmother, too, some years back, locked up her only two daughters and beat them almost to death, but then, they later died and never survived the torture from their mother. You see, we have some beasts as parents, and sometimes, I wish this kind of law where children can sue their parents for terrible behaviors were implemented.

My uncle too has this unnecessary hatred for one of his sons to the point that he doesn't care about the guy's academics. This guy I grew up with, and I know a lot that transpired. The guy did lots of menial jobs to cater to his academics right from secondary school until he secured admission to the university. The hatred from his own biological dad was much and worrisome, and you see the dad lavishing money on the lives of other of his children. Obviously, if this law is implemented here in my part of the world, this type of parent who abuses their own children should be taken to court. The victims, that's the children involved, will be forced to even sue their parents for denying them their basic benefits, but obviously not what I want for me and my parents and with my children, because family should have mutual understanding bound with love and not a kind of formal relationship, which will happen if such a law is implemented.


Well, as much as some parents deserve being sued by their own children due to their terrible attitude, I feel having such a right in place might lead to a chaotic world. A world where parents will be so scared to set boundaries or discipline their own children because of the fear of facing the lawsuit. A world where parent-child relationships will be shaken and look formal instead of the genuine connection we share as blood relations.

It's not that it's not within our right constitutionally to sue parents when we feel there's a need to, but sometimes, the culture of the people supersedes some of these things. Take, for instance, something happened, and you called the police for your dad or mom. You have the right to call the police for them because they committed a kind of crime against you, but because of culture, the way we are bound with strong culture and respect here in my part of the world, it will look like you are going crazy for calling the police for your parents.

Every African parent disciplines their children, and many even use the rod, inflicting pain on their children, but to sue parents is not something that happens here; maybe to extended family, but not suing my own parents, they will just disown me, hehehe. However, reporting some certain issues to the welfare of the country can go a long way in settling disputes without breaking the family bond.

This is my response to the #HiveLearners community contest on the topic titled, To Sue Your Parent.

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 3 months ago  

Suing parents in this part of the world is chaotic, as you rightly said. Parents need to be careful about how they treat their children, and children also need to be cautious in their actions to have a good parental relationship.

There was a time when my siblings and I considered calling the police on my dad for maltreating my mum. I reported the case to someone dear to me, and he gave me strong advice not to dare it. He warned that if we tried it, he would curse all of us. So, we stayed out of it and allowed them to sort out their issues as husband and wife. Thankfully, they are doing well today.

Thank you for sharing with us.

 3 months ago  

Wow...such a story
When there's strong blood relationship... there's always possible ways to sort out issues.
Glad u guys hid to the advice

 3 months ago  

We did this immediately and we adjusted too. Thank you

 3 months ago  

It is un-African to sue one's parent(s). The Nigerian society has since grown beyond those days where a parents could maltreat their children in an awkward way.
This give the child a right to defend himself by seeking redress. When a parent becomes cruel on his or her child, then it is good to sue such a parents.
Mind you, there are thousands of parents who abuse their children physically, emotionally and even sexually.
The child Right Act has been enacted and many parents are in the correctional centre where their thoughts and behaviours towards their wards.

 3 months ago  

The child Right Act has been enacted and many parents are in the correctional centre where their thoughts and behaviours towards their wards.

There's a need for proper awareness of this initiative. A lot of children needs to know this and take advantage of it
A lot is happening

 3 months ago  

Some parents need to be tutored on the 21st parenting techniques.
School curriculum is already updated on the rights of the child and ways to seek redress.

 3 months ago  

That's a great step.. still people needs to be aware!!

 3 months ago  

I think parents are not right all the time and sometimes they cross the limit of patience and deserve punishment. So, In reasonable cases, I think there is noting wrong sue parents. I just feel everyone doesn't deserve to be parents either.

 3 months ago  

Yea, some parents cross their limits most times and deserves to be punished honestly
Some people still need to understand the meaning of the word "parents" before being a life into this world

 3 months ago  

Your reflection and perception is quite impressive and I Concord with it. Suing parents in this sphere of life may not be healthy owing to the reasons you outlined.

Personally I have and I can't see any reason why I should sue my parents.

 3 months ago  

It's sounding weird to me even suing my own parents. I will rather seek other help to resolve conflicts than consider taking them to court. If it's for extended family, I might depending on the level of abuse

 3 months ago  


 3 months ago  

Eih Eih, how can you kill your own kids? This is really sad. Some parents are very wicked, like they were forced to bring these innocent kids in the world.

Some parents straight up need to be in jail, then there’s those who just need education so as to have a mentality shift.

 3 months ago  

What we see in this world sometimes are terrible... sadly it's what it is
If only legal measures are actively in place, it will curtail the excesses of some behaviors we see today

 3 months ago  

That’s true. It’s sad the system is not working.

 3 months ago  

Hello there, Nkem. Like you, I grew up in an African home. You dare not raise your voice back, not to think of reporting them. I agree with you that allowing parents sue their children is a bad idea .
Thanks for sharing.

 3 months ago  

We from this part of the world knows could happen with the white folks
Thanks for visiting

 3 months ago  

I actually fully support your idea. Allowing children to sue their parents will cause so much havoc. Just Imagine as a parent your child will do something wrong and you can't even touch him just because you are scared he might sue you. But then there are just those times where you wish a child can literally sue the parents like the issue you mentioned about parents beating their child to their death. For me, that is so despicable and such a parent should definitely be put behind bars or even killed as well.

 3 months ago  

The truth remains that some of the things parents do to their own children are despicable and it makes sense if those kind of parents would face their actions... on the other hand, giving children rights to sue might lead to misuse of opportunity and wouldn't turn out well in our society

 3 months ago  

With the way some children behave , if it allow many parents will be in jail

 3 months ago  

Definitely oo

 3 months ago  

Thanks for the curation

 3 months ago (edited) 


 3 months ago  

You'd receive a serious beating after coming back from the court 😂😂
I think it's a good law, but most kids would abuse it here in Nigeria
Ahh!! That was so evil of your grandma oo, this is one of the reasons why such law should exist

 3 months ago  

Haha, serious beating oo 😂
Who send u .lol, trust our African parents
My dear, step mum did something crazy 😧.. their type need mental corrections