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RE: Should Children Sue Their Parents? A Personal Reflection

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Suing parents in this part of the world is chaotic, as you rightly said. Parents need to be careful about how they treat their children, and children also need to be cautious in their actions to have a good parental relationship.

There was a time when my siblings and I considered calling the police on my dad for maltreating my mum. I reported the case to someone dear to me, and he gave me strong advice not to dare it. He warned that if we tried it, he would curse all of us. So, we stayed out of it and allowed them to sort out their issues as husband and wife. Thankfully, they are doing well today.

Thank you for sharing with us.

 3 months ago  

Wow...such a story
When there's strong blood relationship... there's always possible ways to sort out issues.
Glad u guys hid to the advice

 3 months ago  

We did this immediately and we adjusted too. Thank you