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RE: DLM Met A Genie!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

This was intriguing and I wouldn´t blame DLM´s wife for being curious and scared thinking she had lost her husband. Sincerely, this is a perfect way to explain what a smartphone is, in the form of a genie and its function. I love the twist and how you ended it making it more enjoyable for your readers. This was the crazy idea you had last night... Hahahahaha
So interesting for me to read.

 2 years ago  

First of all, the "Best Commenter" award goes to you with my 100% vote.

The idea wasn't just the result of one night. I have been thinking about this since last Sunday. My initial idea was to travel back in time to the Stone Age. Then, I would draw what a smartphone is on stones, but here you get a chance to see me draw on my diary. ;)

Imagine what I would draw to explain a smartphone to people in the Stone Age.

Anyways, the name Jessica was inspired by the city's Jessica, but she is nowhere to be seen. :)

 2 years ago  

Hehehe... Thank you for the vote 👏
Such an idea couldn´t be a one night work because it requires a lot of thinking and imagining a lot of things from the past.
And Jessica is not here to see her name being mentioned. Lol
Thank you for your reply.