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RE: A Happy Home: Parenting process

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hmmm.. this is interesting.
When kids get too exposed to the outside world, they start to get influenced by their peers and that could be wrong in the end if they aren't watched over on time. Parents need to ensure their kids plays with others but shouldn't be long but to call them in while they find something productive doing, like reading books and studying their school works.

Positive reinforcement is good and parents need to stick to their promise so that the child would focus and be serious next time. Something parents did not realize is that children would feel tired and unconcerned next time when they are being promised and didn't fulfill. They would be like, "after all, dad and mom are always making promise and will not do it". That is the beginning of losing motivation and seriousness.

 2 years ago  

Exactly my dear.... It's better to limit the places they go especially when they are still small so that they don't easily get influenced.

That's it exactly dear, unless , if the child actually wants to do that which he wants but not because of the price attached