Unnecessary Anxiety is Slow Poison

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


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A saying goes on , thoughtless action brings danger. So we all understand the importance of subtle thinking. But if this thought is excessive and without need, then? Many people suffer from mental problems due to this 'excessive thinking'. "Overthinking" creates an imbalance between mind and body. Experts say unnecessary worry is like a cycle. The more you try to get away, the more it will catch you. As the saying goes, 'Idle brain is Satan's factory' the more idle the brain is, the more unnecessary thoughts accumulate in the head.

What happens in needless anxiety?

Unnecessary anxiety can start from anywhere. And its impact on daily life is dangerous.

Work efficiency decreases:

Unnecessary anxiety affects one's daily activities first. At first, the anxiety is triggered during free time, but slowly it starts to affect the working hours.

Sleep problem :

Unnecessary anxiety has the biggest impact on sleep. Sleep requires a calm mind. And if anxiety attacks at that time, then sleep comes? Unnecessary worry has a major impact on night sleep.


Once anxiety starts, it grows at a compound rate. And it is not possible to focus on any work without finishing that thought. As a result, you may have thought that you will sit down to work after an hour, unnecessary worry will delay the work several times.

How to overcome

The first step to solving a problem is to identify the problem. Worrying is a natural process, but learn to recognize when it is becoming unnecessary and excessive. Thinking about the same thing over and over again, questioning the same decision—these are signs of unnecessary anxiety.

Find solutions of the problems:

Find solutions without thinking about the same problem over and over again. Thinking about the problem never solves it.Instead, it is easier to be free of worry if you think about what has happened, and think about the solution.

Make time for yourself:

Unnecessary worries distract everyone from their normal activities. It is not possible to focus on one's own work. That's why drop everything and go back to something old. Drawing pictures, reading books; Focus on hobbies you had years ago or start anew. If you are busy with your favorite work, you will slowly regain the lost confidence in yourself.

Control your emotions:

Oftentimes, unnecessary worry creates stress, leading to irritability or anger. Then he can get angry on someone innocent. So learn to control your emotions at this time. Otherwise, a little anger may be the cause of your anxiety at another time.

Share more :

Most of the time it is the memorized words that cause anxiety.So whenever you feel that worry is building up in your mind, tell your dear friend or close person. You will feel quite relieved.

Don't shake the past:

Whenever you feel unnecessary thoughts swirling in your mind, take a deep breath and think, 'What happened happened for the best.' Letting the past be the past is better for everyone..
Start working anew with this thought, only then you can get out of this vicious cycle.

Remember, anxiety is a natural manifestation of human thinking. Worrying is not a bad thing, but it is your responsibility to keep it under control. Take care that you control anxiety, don't let anxiety control your life.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe. Feel free to express your thoughts.

 2 years ago  

Sometimes when one is face with difficulty he needs to be calm to figure way out, because anxiety and worries can't gives one the solution.

 2 years ago  

Yes.It just sucks.
Thanks for stopping by ❤

 2 years ago  

At one point into our lives, we’ll have to deal with anxiety. There are certain situation that brings that terrible feeling. While some are good at calming down, others shake terribly and end up making terrible decisions.

There are also situations that do not require that feeling, but because we can’t seem to gain control over every little thing, we panic.

The solutions you mentioned above are good ways to deal with it.

Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for stopping by ❤

 2 years ago  

Anxiety can at end lead to death. We all should try to avoid it and learn to take one day at a time.

 2 years ago  

Yes . It kills us slowly but surely.

Thanks for stopping by

Sometimes it’s not that people don’t really know how to overcome the anxiety. Like you said, the first step to overcome the problem is identifying the problem. Most people don’t struggle with this part (identifying that they have anxiety and what is causing it). What they struggle with is actually acting on the tips. You know controlling your emotions helps prevent the anxiety, but how do you control your emotions? Can you actually control it?

 2 years ago  

Actually most of the time it is difficult to do .but you if we try do may be we can't do 100 percent but do atleast 10 percent. That's the benefit.
Thanks for your thoughts ❤

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