 2 years ago  

I understand tho but who said does who do construction work or garbage didn't attend higher institution. Many of them went tho but didn't get a job or instead of doing illegal jobs they are doing that

 2 years ago  

I don't think so. There's actually a fair lot of people that don't go for higher education~. Of course there are those that still do attend higher institution but most that do won't do those kinds of jobs. You tell me you study to be a doctor or lawyer than you going to work for garbage or do construction?

 2 years ago  

Nobody wants that kind of job but that's life although being a doctor or a lawyer is a professional job you don't expect them to do that but am trying to say there are graduate who do that

 2 years ago  

Ya and I never disagreed with you there. There are some but for most part no they don't

 2 years ago  

It was really a nice conversation with you

 2 years ago  

Thanks you too !

 2 years ago  

You're welcome ❤️❤️