I like the idea of a miner coin that are distributed to contributors at first. Then on the market for general sale. Staking makes them mine, and a long (13 cycles) to unstake. All the other miner coins tend to hold value when there is only 1,000 or so of them. Watered down MAPLE Miners does not taste good on waffles. In the same way limited miner coins makes sense from what i have seen in most other successful projects.
They could possibly be MAPLETREES that mine SYRUP that pair to BEAVER and transact in LOONIE that go south for the winter. There are a few projects out there that have similar structure.
I would like to explore more ideas on this too
Miner coin Yes please!
Ill move some coins around and throw what i can in the way of BEE to the project to help get this going.
Chinada can be great again we just can Not make a Prime Mistake like the hate speaking Turd-duuu did in all of this. So there is room for everyone’s, opinion, ideas, and ways.
Province specific questions and ways around to help the parallel society that is happening right now grow could provide a good resource to those that want options. Tips and pointers with relevant info that makes other think and laugh for the benefit of the country.
Would delegations of Hive be helpful?
Ill be going through the room and fallowing all those that are in it, to support the Canadians in whatever way I can.
Thanks for spear heading this for us all @cvault
These are great ideas and I appreciate your input. Delegations are not required this account is not primarily used for voting, but as a container to hold funds for the tokenization of the Canada Community. It will be 1000 BEE to make a pool. There are 3 tokens in this scenario though, because there will be the SOCIAL token earned through curating that we could call MAPLE. Earn and stake by posting in the Canada community or use #canada tag. MAPLE grows. This is your tree. Then we have TAP which is staked to mine SYRUP. Then the relationship between these tokens can find their own equilibrium. MAPLE can be earned and used to mint Canada NFTs, MAPLE can be sold to buy TAP or SYRUP. We should have a MAPLE/HBD pool and a SYRUP/MAPLE pool. A fixed number of TAP 10000 maybe. A halving 21m supply of MAPLE with the downvote removed like VYB. SYRUP supply only minted when mined by TAP staking. If something like ^ this is possible, maybe we can introduce Beavers, Poutine, and more. Or maybe we don't need something so complex. If we only need one token I would choose the MAPLE and would like to see it valued at a Silver oz, with a MAPLE/HBD pool. Today that pair would be 23.24 HBD = 1 MAPLE.
That sounds like a smashing idea. Perhaps simple at first makes sense with the option of growing it outwards as the community grow. The mining token economics makes the most sense to me. Provides a stem of which to grow off of. I like the MAPLE tie to HBD.
I was think about a contest to get more Canadian to join hive and help build the community. Still just kicking around the idea but some kind of membership drive.