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RE: Finding Larry in 6 Places Monday June 26, 2023

It wouldn't accept the links I put in the report so never sent - it wouldn't let me send it. Someone told me in the discord chat at the Hivewatchers section that they did not handle disputes between users and we had to do it ourselves. It is over now and I will ignore this person if it ever happens again. I think this is the best thing to do. And you seemed to do OK with the apology. He has not come back thank God! Take care try not to worry about this anymore. !BBH !CTP


It wouldn't accept the links I put in the report so never sent

I will ask in the discord ecency official server on how to report harassment cases. Some one there might help me a curator or a moderator or something. Do not worry I think your case might be handled by a moderator of the community in which I posted that article I will double check this information and come back to you on this one.

It is over now and I will ignore this person if it ever happens again. I think this is the best thing to do.

No it is not over. This person issue is on ctpx website promoting him self over there as well. He is a threat that needs to be dealt with. I am a Donald Trump supporter too but does that make me your enemy? the logic this person brought was absolutely meaningless and he must be punished other wise we all are going to keep suffering as I feel he will be coming back sooner rather than later. For me this will never be over cause he really hurt you Barb and I cannot let this one go. I will find a way to deal with this case as a priority.

And you seemed to do OK with the apology.

I apologized to him because at that time I realized he was a trouble. I had to deal with him so I took this route instead cause I did not want to escalate any thing between us. But sadly now I regret what I did cause he continued his harassment on my post by foul mouthing you and this I cannot ignore. It is like the incident when spiderman let go a criminal who stole something and then later on spiderman finds out that the same guy goes on to kill his uncle ben. I am not spiderman but I could have looked for a report page or something to deal with this person instead of apologizing to him. You referred to this apology thing and asked me why I apologized before too and that time I did not respond back because I had no RC then. Sorry for the delayed response as I do have some sort of RC with me.

Hello @liquidocelot I understand why you apologized. This person seemed like he wouldn't stop. Don't worry. Is he also posting bad stuff about me on CTPX? I deleted my posts to get him to stay away. I will ignore him if he comes back. Thanks for the info. Take care and have a nice day. !BBH !CTP

Saw your latest and muted/blocked him I think this was a great solution. I am not active on ctpx from 2 days now but if something comes across me I'll take a screenshot and share with you so you report him to official ctp discord server.

Yes that is what Hivewatchers told me to do. I didn't know about it until they told me. 😊😄👍 OK but Hivewatchers said they want us to ignore him now. It will work to ignore him and not to give him the attention he wants. I think people like him want attention. Take care now. !BBH !CTP

Thank you to for wanting to help me.