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RE: Time for a Change

in We Are Alive Tribe3 years ago (edited)

I'm inspired by your energy and effort @dreemsteem! You've been doing so amazingly this whole 6 weeks! And I know that you'll succeed this week as well by giving it all you got 😁

I will push through with you together! Let's do it?! 😁 Today I'm feeling a bit more energized than usual so I'm gona take advantage on that to start right now my personal goal since it's related to Hive and in the meantime encourage others along the way 😊

I hope your day is going well and don't forget to drink up your water today 🤗 If you're struggling with the exercise goal I'll be happy for you to take my suggestion I made on week 2 and do this pilates class (just add 5 more reps to each exercise to met the 35 min. goal).

In this way, you would be able to see me and HEAR my voice (as I know you like it) 😆 I'll be delighted if I could help you with that 😁 !LUV

Keep rocking and climbing! 😍


oh my gosh!!!!!! i'm so glad that today you got a burst of energy!!!

This is giving me chills right now to hear it! I'm serious. I was really feeling your heart the other day - and then for me to have that horrible day too - and think... this is just what we all face at times. The temptation to quit

and you didn't
and because you didn't - that made me go further too and not quit.

and now you're getting energy?!?! this is AWESOME! i TOTALLY feel like we are in this together hahahaha

I did drink ALL my water today- and I did it early - and I have a funny story about it that I will share tomorrow LOLOL

I'll try to remember to tag you in it ahhahahaha

did my exercise goal too - with Tattoodjay - and it was AWESOME today. I was so on fire. I WANTED to do more hahaha but I had to rush down the mountain with my daughter today to go to see if she had jury duty LOL (she has to go allllllllllllll THE way back down tomorrow again - to see if she will get dismissed ughhhhh)

but tomorrow i'll have more time in my day to workout and i cannot wait! isn't that a great feeling?? hahaha when you can't wait to workout! LOLOL

but i might have to go take a peek at that video of yours anyway - just to hear your voice hehehehehee

love you!!!! i hope that tomorrow is ANOTHER burst of energy day for you!!!!

feel my hug!! :)

Hey there @dreemsteem! I'm reaching out to let you know I read you comment more than 1 time during the last few days! You and @samsmith1971 are the best on giving me boosts of motivation! 😊

Thank you so much! I love you both !LUV