This morning, I woke up ready to start this week and conquer it. Even over the weekend, I still accomplished my goals from the Challenge.
I was mentioning to some of the dreemers that I think my mindset has finally switched over to enjoying the tasks instead of just crossing things off the list. They say it takes time to turn tasks into habits - but when it happens - look out!
Well that's how I was feeling. Amazing! Excited to get in the groove and stay there! I saw that @tatoodjay had already begun his Supernatural - but instead of getting discouraged, I was totally excited to try to catch him! We even chatted this morning and kinda virtually high-fived each other.
And then all hell broke loose.

Everything that could go wrong, did. So many times I wanted to just quit the workout and come back tomorrow for another shot. But then? I'd miss an entire day? Just because I was struggling?
Yes. I wanted to just quit. I was irritated and frustrated and felt like the deck was stacked against me. And then I remembered @blackdaisyft and her post from Friday, and it completely pumped me up to stick with it. I had just told her how proud of her I had been - and now I was going to let these frustrations defeat me?
I pushed through, and I conquered!!! I felt SO good after the morning was over - everything that had been bothering me eventually got resolved, and I just smiled - thinking about how close I had been to throwing in the towel for no good reason.
Then, I decided, hmmm I might as well keep going with my tasks to get my gold star for the day. Now I'm on a roll! hehe So, I loaded up the meditation session on Supernatural - and I was standing on the edge of an active volcano, lava glowing, heat rising, absolutely beautiful.

I just started to take deep breaths in, admiring the scenery and marveling at the fact that I was feeling like I was actually there. How would I ever be able to actually do this, in real life? But here I was - relaxing, watching the birds circle high above me, sinking deep into the meditation. Coach Doc began the meditation, speaking straight to me. He talked about how at this moment, I was supposed to be there - listening to these words, preparing my mind and body for the change that was coming.
Have you ever started thinking about that? Preparing your mind for the unknown? Gearing up for a change in the wind?
What will it bring?
Have you been faithful to stay diligent in the waiting?
Have you been idle - or have you been using your gifts, honing them so that they're ready when some surprise reaches your doorstep?
All these thoughts and more flooded my thoughts as I hovered over this beautiful active volcano. I wanted to actually go back and listen to the whole thing again. It was SO good. I decided I wanted to share it with more people, but when I put it back on, they changed the scenery! haha So I didn't record it. I felt like it really was so special with that specific location.
However, all day long, I couldn't help but think that maybe that message was not just for me - but specifically for one or two other people. It's still nagging me that maybe it's meant for one of you. Maybe not - maybe it was just for me! hehe
But I'll go back and record it and the update this post with the video and tag any of you who want to hear it. Just leave me tag in the comment section and let me know that you'd like to hear that same message. It's only 5 minutes - so not too long! Not sure what it will mean to you. But for me - it was really special!
Either way, I do want to encourage anyone who's reading this to NOT stop pushing. Don't become idle in the quiet times. Right now, life is in a stand-still for so many of us, but we do NOT have to follow that pace. We can keep our spirits at the ready, active, and alert!

I didn't know you like to go Rock Climbing?
One of the most important lessons I've learned form you, over the years we've known each other, is the need to stay dedicated and focused. You have faith in your process, faith in yourself and a clear determination to set goals and strive headlong, towards them.
Some little setback, like a few silly things that go wrong on a workout, are NOT going to stop you. You take inspiration form others around you, from within yourself, and from Higher Above.
I love your Faith, Dedication, and Commitment to acheiving... no mater what silly roadblocks pop up. Also, @tattoodjay lives not far?
You want I should go duct tape his feet and arms together for the rest of this week?
Looks like I will have to go out and buy a couple of security cameras and alarm system to protect myself 😂
We both know Dreem she is driven and motivated and will power by me before to long
She's scary, for sure!!!
Yeah but not in a bad way lol
hahaha brat!
What are you talking about?
DARE you! @tattoodjay is not a Brat! How
i tried yesterday - but couldn't get back online cuz i was in the garden (breaking my back) for 3+ hours hahaha
and then today - i was down the mountain until 5pm with my daughter trying (and failing so far.. lol) to get out of jury duty hahahha and then came home to cook - and just finished.
i'm SO tempted to go jump on the Oculus for JUUUUUUUUST another workout or two ... but nope. I got a good workout in this morning before we left for jury escaping ahahaha and tomorrow is another day!
LOLOL but at least i'm not 1/3 of your score... I sneaked up to HALF your score LOLOL
well... at least i was this morning hahahaha you might have gotten back on this afternoon too! LOLOL
its ok... i'm gonna keep pushing! i love love love that you keep it exciting for me! hehehe
Luckily I have never done Jury Duty, not my idea of fun, I was a Witness in a case once, and that was terrible, but that's a story for another day
No I didn't get back on it yesterday mornings are when I workout, never in the evening, and you were well over half my score when I got on this morning :)
Not sure how much I will do today, yesterday with a five mile walk and supernatural time I did a lot and I am feeling it this morning, have done a coupleof flow workouts, Low intensity andwas struggling, but I may have one more session later
ahhahahahahahhaah no no no! I love that he pushes me so hard to strive! Actually I had planned to go back to the Oculus today - this afternoon! But... I spend the afternoon repotting plants and finishing my worm bin and helping Mikey with a project and oh -my -gosh.
I am so sore hahahahaha
I'm not sure how I'll get to do my workout tomorrow! LOLOL
thank you for that awesome comment above - you made me smile! hehehe
it hit the spot!!! hehehe
thank you for being you! :)
no no no DUCT tape is coming soon to a place south of me!
As always, you are a woman who I know to never give up or turn back during tough moments.
For me, sometimes I get too tired to keep moving but thinking of what made me start moving initially fuels me to keep moving. I am glad you have passed this unstoppable energy to lots of dreemers globally, you are a superwoman.
hi my sweetheart!!!! how are you?!?!?! i hope you're doing well! I think about you all the time!!! ❤️
I am doing great mama, the Lord has been my strength.
I thought meditation was supposed to be relaxing? How does thoughts about active volcano help one relax? It's a good thing you pushed yourself to workout today. Well done!
hahahahahaha wait til you see the video - then you'll see how beautiful it is. I don't know how they made an active volcano relaxing - but it is! LOLOLOL
i'll show you a clip and then you'll see ;)
I got my second gold star for the week today! wooooooot - only 3 more to go for the week!!
I can't wait to see the video. Perhaps it will help me relax too as I've been all nerves lately.
Yaay! Second star already? Well,winning comes naturally to you.
I'm inspired by your energy and effort @dreemsteem! You've been doing so amazingly this whole 6 weeks! And I know that you'll succeed this week as well by giving it all you got 😁
I will push through with you together! Let's do it?! 😁 Today I'm feeling a bit more energized than usual so I'm gona take advantage on that to start right now my personal goal since it's related to Hive and in the meantime encourage others along the way 😊
I hope your day is going well and don't forget to drink up your water today 🤗 If you're struggling with the exercise goal I'll be happy for you to take my suggestion I made on week 2 and do this pilates class (just add 5 more reps to each exercise to met the 35 min. goal).
In this way, you would be able to see me and HEAR my voice (as I know you like it) 😆 I'll be delighted if I could help you with that 😁 !LUV
Keep rocking and climbing! 😍
oh my gosh!!!!!! i'm so glad that today you got a burst of energy!!!
This is giving me chills right now to hear it! I'm serious. I was really feeling your heart the other day - and then for me to have that horrible day too - and think... this is just what we all face at times. The temptation to quit
and you didn't
and because you didn't - that made me go further too and not quit.
and now you're getting energy?!?! this is AWESOME! i TOTALLY feel like we are in this together hahahaha
I did drink ALL my water today- and I did it early - and I have a funny story about it that I will share tomorrow LOLOL
I'll try to remember to tag you in it ahhahahaha
did my exercise goal too - with Tattoodjay - and it was AWESOME today. I was so on fire. I WANTED to do more hahaha but I had to rush down the mountain with my daughter today to go to see if she had jury duty LOL (she has to go allllllllllllll THE way back down tomorrow again - to see if she will get dismissed ughhhhh)
but tomorrow i'll have more time in my day to workout and i cannot wait! isn't that a great feeling?? hahaha when you can't wait to workout! LOLOL
but i might have to go take a peek at that video of yours anyway - just to hear your voice hehehehehee
love you!!!! i hope that tomorrow is ANOTHER burst of energy day for you!!!!
feel my hug!! :)
Hey there @dreemsteem! I'm reaching out to let you know I read you comment more than 1 time during the last few days! You and @samsmith1971 are the best on giving me boosts of motivation! 😊
Thank you so much! I love you both !LUV
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | community | <>< NFT for Peace
hello @dreemsteem! yes I'd like to listen to it. and this is why I love reading your post because it always encourages me to do better to keep on pushing with a smile on my face.
And don't forget that extra glass of water! i know you are done with your workout by now but just in case you forgot that we already increase our water intake.. now let me go to @amberkashif to check on her. Have a great Tuesday dreemsteem!
oh great!!! I will totally make it for you then! hehehe
I hope that it encourages you and makes you feel inspired to expect more!
I'll do it tomorrow for you and update this post and tag you ok?
My Tuesday was AWESOME... and I have a funny story about the water. hahahaha I did drink it... and um... LOL
well i'll tell it tomorrow probably hahahahaha
I hope you got your star today! hehehe and if not - tomorrow is another day to try, my sweet friend! :)
One thing I came to know about you not long after meeting you on here or should I say I was inspired when I came to realized how driven and motivated you are when you set your mind to something the odd bump in the road here or there will never stop you from reaching your goal
We all have bad days nothing we can do about that but it’s how we deal with them that is the important thing as I see it we have two options
Let a bad day take control and slow us down
Or let it motivate us to make the next day even better
Ps I have done a couple of Coach Docs meditations and found them amazing
yes - i did several today! i did 3 actually from him hehehe since i needed to do 20 minutes of meditation - i did 3 of his to add up to my goal!
(i usually like Headspace on Youtube also! hehe)
Today he had a really great one that I loved - and I jsut found myself melting into it!
Thank you for that great encouragement to me - reminding me that I have fierce determination! you know... sometimes in the hard times, I can forget that I have it!!! but when friends nudge me and say - hey... you never give up! i'm like.. hmmm yeah! you're right! hehehehe i don't! and i'm not gonna let this defeat me either! :)
today i got my second gold star - and i'm so happy! cuz the last two days have been really hectic and I still carved out time to MAKE TIME to hit those goals.
I don't want to "jinx" myself (even though i don't believe in jinxes hahahaa but i really think I'm finally getting into that good headspace again!!!
and you have helped with that!!! so thank you again! hehehe
I seldom do the meditations online to be honest, MY mind wonders off in alll kinds of directions, MY meditation time is often when walking by the water, I just sort of zone out and relax like I never can anywhere else
And no need for thanks, were both motivating each other :)
Awesome with the gold stars, your nailing it :)
Eveytime i check your post i learn something new. Like am short of words. I have something new to keep to heart ' Don't stop pushing' looking forward to learn more from you @dreemsteem
That's right - don't stop pushing in everything we do!!! :)thank you @osemary !!! That's such a great "hug" from you to me!
Thank you very much @dreemsteem
Thanks for your encouragement. We will keep pushing and never give up. Life throws challenges at us to make us stop but we will not let it win. We will keep fighting and striving. Thanks for this encouragement. It's a help at the right time
That's right - don't give up on that dancing either. hehehe
I know it promised you a figure 8 body - but already - your body is beautiful, Sis! hehehehe
but just keep at it for the love of dancing too! hehehe
See you tomorrow at the meeting! ❤️
Woah woah, @dreemsteem you're indeed reaching for those stars this week. I love your energy, it's electric, let the fire keep burning, it's just three days left after today, we can do it, go Dreemer 🤩😍.
I'm gonna do another 5 star week, Lord willing!!!
How did you do today, sweets??? Are you staying focused and driving towards those goals!!! You can do it - and if you need a big hug - go grab your sister and tell her to give you a hug from me! hahaha
Yeah, I got my star for yesterday too, I also hope I reach for all the stars this week by God's grace.
My partner has been of great help, I'm so happy I got someone like him as a partner.
I'll get the hug, thank you so much @dreemsteem ❤️🥰.
Your opinion on change is true and a reality which every man must approach in unique ways.
Truly, we either accept or reject change(s) in our lives . Thanks for sharing.
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thank you @ddn688! I appreciate you coming to read and engage with me!
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hehe I did see you and @tattoodjay hifiving each other in Discord, it is cool you can encourage each other and give out tips, I hope you both sorted your foggy problem out!
You are an inspiration to everyone, and you are real admitting things are not going as good as you want them.
My motto No Surrender so no matter what happens, keep pushing:)
hehehe yes - we are working out virtually together on the Supernatural game. hehehe it's SO much fun -but it's also REALLY challenging! and he's such an amazing athlete that it's hard to catch him! hehehe but it keeps me pushing hard! hehehehe
I didn't sort the foggy problem out yet - BUT... when I got online today - I saw on the Supernatural community facebook page - that someone was having the same problem, and i guess there is this little fan that you can put inside the headset that stops it from fogging up! hahahaha
but its like $39 hahahaha
so i'm not sure i want to do all that yet... yet! LOL but probably in time! hahaha
cuz it really is frustrating to keep your momentum up and pausing to wipe the lenses off constantly ahahaha
I hope you had an amazing day today!?!?!
did you write!!! I hope you set aside just a LITTLE time to write. Even if you didn't actually WRITE - and just sat there, with the computer open - and daydreamed about what you think YOU MIGHT want to write.
(I'm a writer too... hahaha so sometimes i do that!)
and THAT COUNTS towards your goal. Imagining and daydreaming is a HUGE part of writing, in my opinion hehehehe
Tackle the day tomorrow when you wake (it's still Tuesday for me. hahaha but is probably already Wednesday for you! LOL)
hehe just make a post on Hive, you superstar then that is sorted!
If I remember you said once that you had written three books?
Yes, I wrote a couple of chapters this week, which has been the most for quite a while!
100% correct!
Yes has been a good week and now I am on the dreemportchallenge startline for Wednesday;)
Have a great one😁
That the spirit, it okay to rest but don't stop.
You keep moving and as time goes on it becomes easy.
Well done champ❤
thanks so much @ijohnsen !!!! I got my second star for the week today!!! hehehehe
how did you do??
I hope you're still grabbing those stars with a huge smile on your face!
if not - here is your encouragmeent today!!! take a deep breath, know that you are worth it, and take that first step towards a goal!! you will do it, step by step!!! :)
I'm on track...
Let's get gold star this week.Thank you @dreemsteem
My take-away...
And really pleased you didn't give up on the challenge either. Lots of inspirational efforts are being made around us, yours being one of them.
love u!!! (and of course tag me !LOL)
They just work on so many levels.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/4)@dreemsteem, I sent you an on behalf of @samsmith1971
thank you @innerblocks and @wesphilbin !
I love reading this, that's the attitude.
Being prepared to face the unknown is a great message for me, especially at this time in my life.
We shouldn't let difficulties defeat us, get up and move on, no matter how difficult they may seem at times.
So I also hold on to this message dear @dreemsteem
I hope you'll have a terrific week in the challenge this week no matter how many stars you get. Just be happy and motivated. 😄😊🤗
I am guilty. These days I am becoming so complacent that I hate myself, Partner🥺.
I am wondering where the vibes has gone? What could be the problem? I can't seem to place my fingers on it.
I hope that the video you will share will have some sort of answers. I hope it will spark something in me. I sincerely do.
I am glad to finally be here to cheer my partner. I am rooting for you. Do your best, and whoop anybody's ass you have to whoop... Lol.
I hope you have all your tasks completed?
That's the spirit! I love that you kept on and didn't give in to the temptation of postponing the things for tomorrow. You are definitely an achiever! Thank you for this inspiration :)
Not becoming idle in the quiet times but staying active and alert helps one stay productive and keeps negativity away.
Thanks for sharing this encouraging word ma'am, it's all I need now.
I hope you're not finding it difficult to have your 50 oz water?
If you take too much in the evening, you may have to take many trips to the toilet, so drink more during the day ma'am 🙂