I didn't know you like to go Rock Climbing?
One of the most important lessons I've learned form you, over the years we've known each other, is the need to stay dedicated and focused. You have faith in your process, faith in yourself and a clear determination to set goals and strive headlong, towards them.
Some little setback, like a few silly things that go wrong on a workout, are NOT going to stop you. You take inspiration form others around you, from within yourself, and from Higher Above.
I love your Faith, Dedication, and Commitment to acheiving... no mater what silly roadblocks pop up. Also, @tattoodjay lives not far?
You want I should go duct tape his feet and arms together for the rest of this week?
Looks like I will have to go out and buy a couple of security cameras and alarm system to protect myself 😂
We both know Dreem she is driven and motivated and will power by me before to long
She's scary, for sure!!!
Yeah but not in a bad way lol
hahaha brat!
What are you talking about?
DARE you! @tattoodjay is not a Brat! How
Not sure if I should be offended about being called a Brat or you saying I'm not a Brat that's almost on par with people saying I am a nice guy and tarnishing my reputation
i tried yesterday - but couldn't get back online cuz i was in the garden (breaking my back) for 3+ hours hahaha
and then today - i was down the mountain until 5pm with my daughter trying (and failing so far.. lol) to get out of jury duty hahahha and then came home to cook - and just finished.
i'm SO tempted to go jump on the Oculus for JUUUUUUUUST another workout or two ... but nope. I got a good workout in this morning before we left for jury escaping ahahaha and tomorrow is another day!
LOLOL but at least i'm not 1/3 of your score... I sneaked up to HALF your score LOLOL
well... at least i was this morning hahahaha you might have gotten back on this afternoon too! LOLOL
its ok... i'm gonna keep pushing! i love love love that you keep it exciting for me! hehehe
Luckily I have never done Jury Duty, not my idea of fun, I was a Witness in a case once, and that was terrible, but that's a story for another day
No I didn't get back on it yesterday mornings are when I workout, never in the evening, and you were well over half my score when I got on this morning :)
Not sure how much I will do today, yesterday with a five mile walk and supernatural time I did a lot and I am feeling it this morning, have done a coupleof flow workouts, Low intensity andwas struggling, but I may have one more session later
ahhahahahahahhaah no no no! I love that he pushes me so hard to strive! Actually I had planned to go back to the Oculus today - this afternoon! But... I spend the afternoon repotting plants and finishing my worm bin and helping Mikey with a project and oh -my -gosh.
I am so sore hahahahaha
I'm not sure how I'll get to do my workout tomorrow! LOLOL
thank you for that awesome comment above - you made me smile! hehehe
it hit the spot!!! hehehe
thank you for being you! :)
no no no DUCT tape is coming soon to a place south of me!