Looks like I will have to go out and buy a couple of security cameras and alarm system to protect myself 😂
We both know Dreem she is driven and motivated and will power by me before to long
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Looks like I will have to go out and buy a couple of security cameras and alarm system to protect myself 😂
We both know Dreem she is driven and motivated and will power by me before to long
She's scary, for sure!!!
Yeah but not in a bad way lol
hahaha brat!
What are you talking about?
DARE you! @tattoodjay is not a Brat! How
Not sure if I should be offended about being called a Brat or you saying I'm not a Brat that's almost on par with people saying I am a nice guy and tarnishing my reputation
i tried yesterday - but couldn't get back online cuz i was in the garden (breaking my back) for 3+ hours hahaha
and then today - i was down the mountain until 5pm with my daughter trying (and failing so far.. lol) to get out of jury duty hahahha and then came home to cook - and just finished.
i'm SO tempted to go jump on the Oculus for JUUUUUUUUST another workout or two ... but nope. I got a good workout in this morning before we left for jury escaping ahahaha and tomorrow is another day!
LOLOL but at least i'm not 1/3 of your score... I sneaked up to HALF your score LOLOL
well... at least i was this morning hahahaha you might have gotten back on this afternoon too! LOLOL
its ok... i'm gonna keep pushing! i love love love that you keep it exciting for me! hehehe
Luckily I have never done Jury Duty, not my idea of fun, I was a Witness in a case once, and that was terrible, but that's a story for another day
No I didn't get back on it yesterday mornings are when I workout, never in the evening, and you were well over half my score when I got on this morning :)
Not sure how much I will do today, yesterday with a five mile walk and supernatural time I did a lot and I am feeling it this morning, have done a coupleof flow workouts, Low intensity andwas struggling, but I may have one more session later