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RE: Time for a Change

One thing I came to know about you not long after meeting you on here or should I say I was inspired when I came to realized how driven and motivated you are when you set your mind to something the odd bump in the road here or there will never stop you from reaching your goal

We all have bad days nothing we can do about that but it’s how we deal with them that is the important thing as I see it we have two options
Let a bad day take control and slow us down

Or let it motivate us to make the next day even better

Ps I have done a couple of Coach Docs meditations and found them amazing


yes - i did several today! i did 3 actually from him hehehe since i needed to do 20 minutes of meditation - i did 3 of his to add up to my goal!

(i usually like Headspace on Youtube also! hehe)

Today he had a really great one that I loved - and I jsut found myself melting into it!

Thank you for that great encouragement to me - reminding me that I have fierce determination! you know... sometimes in the hard times, I can forget that I have it!!! but when friends nudge me and say - hey... you never give up! i'm like.. hmmm yeah! you're right! hehehehe i don't! and i'm not gonna let this defeat me either! :)

today i got my second gold star - and i'm so happy! cuz the last two days have been really hectic and I still carved out time to MAKE TIME to hit those goals.

I don't want to "jinx" myself (even though i don't believe in jinxes hahahaa but i really think I'm finally getting into that good headspace again!!!

and you have helped with that!!! so thank you again! hehehe

I seldom do the meditations online to be honest, MY mind wonders off in alll kinds of directions, MY meditation time is often when walking by the water, I just sort of zone out and relax like I never can anywhere else

And no need for thanks, were both motivating each other :)

Awesome with the gold stars, your nailing it :)