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RE: Winter jacket testing

in Wednesday Walk4 months ago

Flowers! Like me, on my walk! Today the truth is that I wrote super fast having the power cut, it is raining quite hard since 11 am, we will see what happens, there is red alert here, but I think it will be more complicated in the villages nearby. there are already 3000 evicted, the people who live near the rivers.

You had a walk without rain, that's good and the changes are sometimes complicated, but today there is another way.

My brother just told me that where he is... it's flooded... it's a 20 minutes walk... we'll see...


It stayed the same for the whole day, and even got better, the sun came out so it was a nice day after all.

I hope you didn't have a power cut and that you are fine and safe. What did your brother say later? Did he manage to avoid the floods? 🙏

In Valencia also alert; my son sent me the message they got from AEMET, they didn't have lessons today and there is a new alert for tomorrow too. 😵

Take care Amonet 🤗

My brother works in a restaurant near the Maria Zambrano Station, the water got in and of course he went home. More than 3000 people living near the rivers were evacuated, but firemen, ambulances and civil guard were on the alert all day, now it is raining but less hard.

There was no power cut but at one point I thought there was, because the lights were flickering, so I hurried to finish things here...

Take care all of you. I live on the fifth floor... I'll be fine.

Eventually, the rain will cease... all these months we have been waiting for the rain and now it does damage. Extreme weather; it seems we will have to get used to it. Good that your brother could come home. Fifth floor - don't leave the apartment :D
Now just Hive and mate in the balcony 😁

Even Mercadona closed its doors!

Mate on the balcony... that's what I'll do haha I'll be fine. My brother is working tomorrow, I hope it won't rain so much. Thanks!

Yes, Mercadona closed earlier and Consum will not open there until 14 hours, at least that is what I read

Oh, that is crazy that he has to go to work tomorrow!!!

Well, I will have to go to work tomorrow too hahaha but my area is not affected (at the moment and I hope it stays that way)

His bosses are Chinese... that tells you everything, his day off is Thursday, they changed it to today... I can't say enough. He will be fine, I hope the buses work...

Pues el día libre no se puede cambiar por el día que tenía que dejar el trabajo por fuerza mayor! aaaaaaa, que injusticia!