Waterproof shoes - tick.
Two undershirts plus a sweater - tick.
Winter jacket - tick.
(...alas, a small umbrella found its place in my bag after all, just in case.)Everything is here, everything is ready for our walk today. The morning temperature of ten degrees Celsius requires these measures of preparation, suitable clothes before I step out into the street. I'm still thinking about taking with me an umbrella or not because in our region they haven't announced any new storms like in some other parts of Spain (@avdesing, @xaviduran, @palomap3, @ninaeatshere - how about the weather in your places?) but I can see that some parts of the asphalt are wet. It was definitely raining during the night so the plants on the balcony were already naturally watered, but right now this walk could take place without an umbrella.
Let's go.

Our destination for today's walk is the health care centre. Just paperwork this time.
I don't know how it is in the place where you live, but here in Spain if you change the city, or even the part of the city you live in then you should report it to the health care centre. They then determine the centre you belong to and assign your new general practitioner.
I feel a bit sorry about changing my GP, as the one I had until now has become like a friend. Her daughters played the violin in the same music conservatory as my son, so we used to see each other at the concerts, in the orchestra rehearsals etc. My son was also her patient; there was a very high level of trust but well, now we will have to start trusting our newly assigned doctor.

On the way to our new healthcare centre, we crossed a nice neighbourhood with gardens, trees and flowers. My husband pointed out these purple ones.

I think the most common plant that grows around the fences here in this part of Spain is Bougainvillea. I know that this is a terrible photo as the red little flowers in combination with the white/grey sky resist being captured in a photo.

The white version of the same flowers gives me more tranquillity; one doesn't have to fight with their colour. They also contrast nicely with the green leaves of the bush.

Not Bougainvillea here, but still, they found their way into this post.

The nurse who attended us was very kind. Surprisingly, the whole change has been done quickly and now we have new health cards and a new doctor. I saw that her name was Isabel; hope to have a good and trustful relationship with her.

The main motive of our morning walk today has been successfully completed, all that remained was to return home getting to know these nice houses.
Paperwork - tick.

And so, we didn't even get wet - the clouds were weak... which means that Mister Umbrella just took a walk with us, without the need to protect us from rain.
Walk without rain - tick. 😁

Ohhh 😮!!! Pasear por tu ciudad es una belleza, entre habitaciones, calles y flores espectaculares..Es relajante caminar y más estás épocas de frío, saludos desde cuba y feliz navidad 🎄!!!
Gracias por pasar y disfrutar de este frío. Saludos a ti y tu país 👋
I was thinking that Spain is a warmer country, which is why many Norwegians travel there during the winter. Many of them even own apartments or small houses in Spain for this purpose. I just asked my husband about that and he said northern Spain is colder but the south is normal we traveled to Alicante one year when Norway was freezing at -20 C
Here in Norway, the medical system is similar as you explained. Here have to be very lucky to get a good GP.
The Bougainvillea, which is similar to what we have in our Indian garden, grows in red and white hues, thriving in the sandy soil without any care throughout the year. When we arrived, the flowers were the first to welcome us, and we really liked them.
Here October was very rainy but November started with the nice sun shining. Short days. Temperature is getting closer to minus, The weather forecast for next week will be snow. I had many warm layers but couldn't tolerate any hoody jacket or sweater no scarf or shawl around my neck. 🤔
Your post is very nice-like always. Have a good evening and take care. :)
Hello @hindavi
Yes, Norwegian people gladly come to Spain and buy houses as the climate is much warmer. We lived by the coast, with many people from Norway in the same town, even two schools they have. But recently we moved from there, a bit to inland from Alicante so the temperatures are a few degrees lower in the winter. Thank you for stopping by and taking this walk with me ;)
Flowers! Like me, on my walk! Today the truth is that I wrote super fast having the power cut, it is raining quite hard since 11 am, we will see what happens, there is red alert here, but I think it will be more complicated in the villages nearby. there are already 3000 evicted, the people who live near the rivers.
You had a walk without rain, that's good and the changes are sometimes complicated, but today there is another way.
My brother just told me that where he is... it's flooded... it's a 20 minutes walk... we'll see...
It stayed the same for the whole day, and even got better, the sun came out so it was a nice day after all.
I hope you didn't have a power cut and that you are fine and safe. What did your brother say later? Did he manage to avoid the floods? 🙏
In Valencia also alert; my son sent me the message they got from AEMET, they didn't have lessons today and there is a new alert for tomorrow too. 😵
Take care Amonet 🤗
My brother works in a restaurant near the Maria Zambrano Station, the water got in and of course he went home. More than 3000 people living near the rivers were evacuated, but firemen, ambulances and civil guard were on the alert all day, now it is raining but less hard.
There was no power cut but at one point I thought there was, because the lights were flickering, so I hurried to finish things here...
Take care all of you. I live on the fifth floor... I'll be fine.
Eventually, the rain will cease... all these months we have been waiting for the rain and now it does damage. Extreme weather; it seems we will have to get used to it. Good that your brother could come home. Fifth floor - don't leave the apartment :D
Now just Hive and mate in the balcony 😁
Even Mercadona closed its doors!
Mate on the balcony... that's what I'll do haha I'll be fine. My brother is working tomorrow, I hope it won't rain so much. Thanks!
Yes, Mercadona closed earlier and Consum will not open there until 14 hours, at least that is what I read
Oh, that is crazy that he has to go to work tomorrow!!!
Well, I will have to go to work tomorrow too hahaha but my area is not affected (at the moment and I hope it stays that way)
His bosses are Chinese... that tells you everything, his day off is Thursday, they changed it to today... I can't say enough. He will be fine, I hope the buses work...
We have a little bit of rain, the worst part is the weather turned cold. 🥶 I think I've never seen white bougainvillaeas, how beautiful they are! This is a nice walk, I’m glad to know that you only went to the health center for doing a paperwork tick. 😁
I remember when we were in Zaragoza it was cold. Oh, each time we went it was cold (it was winter time and Mr Mipiano was freezing 😁 and got his cold Coca-Cola with two huge ice cubes, omg 😂)
Centro de salud - yes, just paperwork though my day started strange, with dizziness that scared me a bit. Actually, the day before I felt the same, quizás presión baja porque por la trade ya estaba bien y desmonté todo el salón 😂 playing Tetris with the furniture in the living room and I can't get through the level 😂
And next time I was who had a cold. 🤧
Be careful with the blood pressure changes, could be something related to the weather too. I loved playing Tetris, but not with furniture. Sounds not fun. 😂
Every meetup someone having a cold 😶🌫️
Tetris, yeah deffinitely shouldn't be done with the furniture 🤣
From a simple errand it can turn into a rewarding ride, just as you describe in your post. The truth is that I would like to have a cold climate because here in Venezuela the days are usually very hot and with a very intense sun. Greetings !
!discovery 35
I think that many people from colder European countries dream about having the warm weather that Venezuela has. But a cold change is good sometimes ;)
Thank you 😇
I feel your colder weather just a bit colder here. Not quite layering up here yet because it will get colder yet. Umbrella a thing now as it will be rainy for a couple days.
Some great colorful pictures of flowers. I like the purple ones the best 😀
So you have the same taste for flowers as my husband. 🌸
Take care with the rain, I hope you got your umbrella prepared ;)
That looks like a beautiful area !
But I had to chuckle at the idea that ten degrees is cold. We come to Spain just about every February, because we know the temperature will be anything from 5 to 15 degrees warmer than here in England. 😁
Well, we lived on the coast and 10 degrees were around the coldest temperatures during the winter. 😁 Now we are a bit more inland, not too much but still enough that we feel the difference. We got too spoiled at the old place hahaha 😆
What quiet streets, from what I can see in the pictures haha and Mr. umbrella enjoyed a nice walk without getting wet haha 😂
Hopefully the new medico will be nice and everyone there will be fine ❤️❤️
Yes, I hope too that we will get along well with our new doctor 🙂
Buhito would love to fly through these calm streets, and even better if he doesn't need an umbrella while flying 😁
That's a type of weather I will miss.. there isn't winter here, so my winter jackets are hidden in my luggage .
Is this a house? Such a huge one
Yes, it is a house, I love it. I am wondering who lives there.
Oh, the winter jacket is taking a deep sleep? It lives in hibernation now 😁
Bougainvillea are some of my favorite flowers. I was happy when I saw them in the quiet and beautiful neighborhood you walked through. I winced when I read that these flowers are common in that place because to me they are extraordinary and I try hard to grow a few myself (I actually only have one).
From what I see from this walk I conclude that your new city is a good choice and I think you will have a good time. I wish you that!
It rings a bell that you have Bougainvillea in your garden. I think it is so common in Greece and maybe in the seashore that you like to visit too, right? (Balchik)
Thank you. :) The new city has different facades, nice and not super nice ones, like every place. What matters is to find the good sides and enjoy the features that fit us. Slowly we will get to know it, as time allows me - it is still so new at the moment.
Yes, this is indeed a reason for traveling to Greece and Balchik. In the last decade, winters in southern Romania have been getting warmer and shorter, and it’s possible that Bougainvillea could become a common shrub here too. I can’t see that myself, but my niece will live in a completely different climate.
I hope you all do well in this new place and that it brings something good to your lives.
always a pain having to change ones General Practioner, especially if you really liked the previous one
I to have bene getting my warmer layers out, the last few days I went out for walks it was about 2Celcius, about as could as I can handlt for photo walks
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day
Yep. I liked the previous one a lot. And the thing is that she already knew which medicine worked for me and those that didn't... but it will be all fine, I hope ;)
Take care with the cold and get out the warmer outfits for your walks :)))
I do have plenty of warm layers, but with my lung issues breathing in cold air iosnt good for me so I get out less in winter
I took a photo for you that day but forget to drop it here so sorry
Nice autumn foliage, luckily without rain :D
What a beautiful and flowery tour today. Hi, I just reloaded my phone and saw your post. I need for Cuba a cold front to keep away a hurricane that is forming in the Caribbean and can affect us. I hope to God it doesn't. It would be cruel.
Still 10 days away I have no power and have not been able to interact with Hive friends. My battery doesn't last long and I only recharge at night at a friends house. Hello and nice evening, I missed our exchanges. I see you are almost adapted to your new place of residence. How is your son doing. I have some tough days ahead of me but we are doing well.
A hug.🤗🥰
I hope everything will be fine and the hurricane doesn't get to your country. So unfortunate that you don't have electricity, it's terrible...thank you for your comment, my son is fine and blessings to you in the upcoming days, for every challenge you have to face! 🙏
Lovely flowers you had in your walk! I hope your new doctor is good and nice. Keep safe in your walks
Thank you, I hope the same 😇
And thank you for stopping by ;)
Hola Mipiano, paseo con temperaturas invernales!! Gracias por mostrarnos el nuevo lugar donde vives, espero que sea tan bonito como Altea y que te haga muy feliz. Ojalá que tu relación con la Doctora sea la mejor y que además sea buena en su profesión. Las flores violetas que muestras, aquí las llamamos "No me olvides", tienen igual nombre ahí??. Curiosamente su nombre proviene de una leyenda que "sucedió" en el río Danubio. Una abrazo y lindo dia.
No lo sabía, el nombre de la flor y de donde viene. Ah, pues parece que eres experta en flores 🌸
Gracias, espero todo está bien por allí 😇🏡🌸
🤣🤣 Para nada!! No sé mucho de flores ni plantas. Pero precisamente de esa planta hay un ejemplar en el patio de la casa de mi mamá. Ha estado allí por muchos años y siempre tiene flores. Por aquí todo bien, espero lo mismo por allá. Un abrazo.
Aquí hemos tenido 2 huracanes, 2 sismos fuertes y el colapso del sistema eléctrico nacional en los últimos 20 días... situación difícil... aún estamos trabajando en la recuperación y todavía hay muchos lugares sin luz
Ay, que desastre. Colapso total, espero la situación mejora 🤞
What a clean car. 😄
I hope mipianito is well. This DANA thing is horrendous, what a weird situation, my goodness. Also glad to see you active again on Hive and walking around the neighbourhood.
Yep, clean - as it is not my car. 🚗
My son is fine, sometimes with and more times without lessons, but it will all pass. Thank you, maybe it is a new, slower pace of being around Hive 💻 but I will be here in the future too.
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The change of seasons,flower that are beautiful to look, such as orchids. Thank you.greetings .
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/10) @danzocal tipped @mipiano
An exceptional outing to take advantage of the warm and mild weather and enjoy the day.