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RE: Winter jacket testing

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

What a beautiful and flowery tour today. Hi, I just reloaded my phone and saw your post. I need for Cuba a cold front to keep away a hurricane that is forming in the Caribbean and can affect us. I hope to God it doesn't. It would be cruel.
Still 10 days away I have no power and have not been able to interact with Hive friends. My battery doesn't last long and I only recharge at night at a friends house. Hello and nice evening, I missed our exchanges. I see you are almost adapted to your new place of residence. How is your son doing. I have some tough days ahead of me but we are doing well.
A hug.🤗🥰


I hope everything will be fine and the hurricane doesn't get to your country. So unfortunate that you don't have electricity, it's terrible...thank you for your comment, my son is fine and blessings to you in the upcoming days, for every challenge you have to face! 🙏