Walking on relaxing paths.

in Wednesday Walk15 hours ago

Many times we need calm in our minds, to analyse situations, to quiet down thoughts that can be negative and not at all beneficial, and to take action in certain situations.


Nature is the greatest source of energy that exists, it contains the highest vibration, because it is life itself, whether we understand nature as the trees, the sea, the mountain. Everything vibrates, everything has life and it is full of life.




There is nothing better than nature for those moments when one feels overwhelmed by life circumstances. It is good to take a distance from the problems to see things from another point of view and thus better solve what is necessary. And there is nothing better, nor a better place to do it than to be under a tree, walking on the beach where the water relieves despair or climbing a mountain to unload impotence.

I am in those moments when, faced with a catastrophe in my hometown, a great flood that left people with nothing, I need that space. To take new energy to know how to act in the face of loss and even to be able to help people, even if I am very, very far away. Something can always be done.




This walk is like a space or a moment that I take to calm myself down and to be able to think properly, because many times everything that happens overwhelms me. When you see that the situation is more serious than what the media says it is, it makes you very helpless. But as someone told me, in order to be able to help I have to be well myself. This walk has helped me.

Many times you can't be there physically, but taking a mental walk looking at these pictures of a great walk, makes you relive those moments. The mind does not distinguish and if I can get to that place, I am in that place.




I can hear the sound of the birds around me, and even how the gentle spring breeze blowing in, moves the leaves of the trees that are already green and budding.

Walking has always helped me, I think much better, but only if I do it in the midst of nature, as if she were talking to me and in turn as if she were resting her hand on me and telling me: Calm down, everything will work out.




I love to walk along paths, roads, full of trees because their movement generates a sound similar to words, their words that come with their own language to my interior. Breathing the fresh air makes my brain think better.

Also, in this park there are ponds with water and that gives me a lot of peace when I walk near the shore.

Many paths cross and criss-cross this beautiful place, where there is space for everyone, children play, adults chat, some walk their dogs, while I enjoy the sun that hits my face and fills me with renewing energy.



The sun is very beneficial for our health and, as I said above, it renews the body and mind as well. Having a picnic, even a short one like drinking mate with some biscuits in this place while looking at nature already changes the perspective of things, especially if we are looking for that purpose.

Someone told me yesterday that I have a great connection with trees, and that is that they have a special energy, if you try sitting under one of them for a while you will see the difference. And even more so if it is a tree or a palm tree that is close to the sea.




On the other hand, the more you are in contact with nature, the more you feel connected to it and if someone is looking for answers they will find them as the mind works better, among other things.

This is a calming and at the same time reflective walk, admiring the canopy of the trees and the shadows they draw on the ground, I love to see drawings in the shadows. They say that when one's attention is diverted from a problem the mind rests and when it returns it thinks better. It is absolutely true.






Inside the park I took a short walk around a pond with ducks, that was even more pleasant, to see how they came and went, how the little daddies walked close to their mother, following her.




One understands many things, that nature is perfect and that everything has a purpose. I don't know what will be the ultimate purpose of what has happened in my city, which right now is being experienced as a tremendous tragedy, with all that it implies and which has affected me greatly. But I hope that help will come soon.




I needed to clear my mind for a while and see the wonderful colours of the flowers in the middle of a rose garden with so much red that symbolises strength and energy and right now that is what all those people need.

Thank you all for joining me on this reflective and calming walk. I send you all a big hello. See you soon.

All photographs are my own.

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Good afternoon, dear friend @avdesing

I'm also convinced that the best place to walk and absorb all your energy is close to nature, especially during times of high tension like those we're experiencing due to what's happening in your hometown.

For more than five days now, I've only watched the news to see how things are going in the city, and as the days go by, I get more anxious.

Without a doubt, hearing the sound of wildlife is a great source of energy and a calming effect.

What a beautiful place to walk, and what beautiful shots.

Have a well-deserved rest.

Es desesperante... el municipio no está entregando las donaciones, se las quedan, que te parece? Estoy ayudando desde acá contactando gente de Buenos Aires con gente de Bahía que es de mi confianza para que los camiones de ayudas no pasen por el municipio... te juro que desespera.

Mi esposa está haciendo lo mismo, ingresa en las publicaciones de las personas que están ofreciendo servicios, o cosas y las conectan con personas que las están necesitando

Como siempre los políticos de acá dejan mucho que desear, y siempre están los que se roban todo, es vergonzoso lo que está sucediendo, el mundo entero está viendo lo que está pasando en la ciudad

Me duele en el alma lo que esta pasando

Son días muy duros, para mi y mi familia, aún esperando noticias de allá. Da mucha impotencia. Gracias por estar!

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Thank you so much @worldmappin 🤗

Today I was finally able to see images of the tragedy on an Argentine channel. I have no words to describe the situation, I think there are none. I hope you find the calm you are looking for and that the positive energy that surrounds you gives you more strength to face this disaster.

A big hug, @avdesing.

Y es mucho peor que lo que cuentan las noticias, zonas sin luz, gas ni agua. Gente que perdió todo y el municipio no está entregando las donaciones. Desde acá contactando una gente con otra para que los camiones con ayudas lleguen a mi apoderado allá y que el organice sin que pase por el municipio. Y difundiendo esto para que se sepa. Llevo todo el día en ello. De mis cosas aún no se nada...

Hoy vi un programa de trece televisión, creo, con una periodista sobre el terreno y entrevistando a vecinos. Decían lo mismo que me dices, es terrible. Además la incertidumbre sobre los desaparecidos, la falta de ayuda.... Espero que el paseo te haya dejado algo se calma...

Dicen hay 16 muertos... son cientos en verdad porque me lo dicen mis conocidos. Ha sido un paseo que hice hace un tiempo pero me ayudo ver ese lugar nuevamente. Gracias!

Puede oír a varios vecinos afirmar que había más fallecidos, que estaba ocurriendo como en una ocasión anterior, que se estaban ocultando las cifras de verdad. Me imaginé que las fotos eran de otro día, pero me alegro de saber que recordar el paseo te ha ayudado.

De nuevo, aquí va un cálido abrazo 🤗

Muchas gracias!!🤗

No quiero ser repetitivo, pero lo vuelvo a decir, siento mucho todo lo que ya ha ocurrido y lo que está ocurriendo. Y más siento que le ocurra a quien no se lo merece y además aprecio mucho (mucho).

Me queda el buenas noches...

Definitivamente caminar y estar en contacto con la naturaleza es una forma natural de hacer terapia. Algo que me encantaba cuando(no era una floja) corría 😅, es ver los árboles moviéndose de un lado a otro a causa de la brisa, es de las mejores sensaciones ✨.

Well running is not my thing, but walking is and in this complicated moment I needed it more than ever, thank you very much!

There is a very quiet environment. The green scene is very nice to see. It is nice to spend time in the midst of such nature.

Yes it is a real pleasure, I love it! Thank you very much!🤗

I agree nature is so good for us and we should make as much time out in it as we can

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk and have a good day

I really needed this walk, it has helped me a lot, thank you very much!

I can feel your sadness and worry, but as you say first you have to be well to be able to help others. It is good the walk helped you a bit to clear your mind and calm down. Much strength to you and all the affected ones!

There's so much green in your pictures, it makes me feel calm and refreshed🥰

I know you are sad, overwhelmed, powerless.... But I also know you are doing the right thing, giving yourself space to think, gain clarity and stay calm, focused. That will help a lot in whatever decision you make. And believe me, the answers will come and you will be able to act wisely.
