Wow they are striking photos- especially the first one. I love the green algae on top of the water framing each side of the lake and the photo.
Such a stunning and serene place to go for a walk too!
So what camera and what zoom lens did you have? (going to get myself a proper camera, just not sure yet which one yet...)
These were just taken with my phone. My zoom lens was useless in this light, it requires quite a bit of light to get a clear shot.
Ok cool, cause they are pretty go for a phone camera too.
Even my iphone 11 pro doesn't shoot that good, especially in lower light.
I'm just using a samsung s9 in camera raw format. Camera raw is the key to be able to get all the lights/darks in check.
Ok cool. Good to know thanks heap @sketch.and.jam
I shoot everything in my iphone in it's native raw Heics files, which are pretty big, but not good enough res for to upload them to peakd I have to export them into pngs first...But i always believe in shooting for the highest that you can cause you can always drop down, but not up- or at least not successfully anyway...
Yeah you need the raws then bring them into photoshop or gimp to adjust the white balance etc to make them look nice.
Yeah that's all I usually do- PS tweak the gamma and steps just a tiny touch to sharpen the image, bump up the Sat the slightest and export into PNGS- unless I feel like having a big play in PS...🤣...I loVe PS...
I save a camera raw setting for my phone camera and my normal dslr. After a while I learned their unique limitations with noise and white balance to make a batch process go faster.