Here is a late evening swamp walk for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
By the time I got here the sun was already setting so I couldn't really get any good bird or animal shots with my zoom lens. I did see quite a few critters out on this walk including around six deer with some baby deer. Sadly none of the photos turned out because it was too dark.
Fortunately the sky was creating nice colors.
This swamp area has a path that goes through the reeds, this is where I saw the deer jumping around.
This is the prairie grass area of the path. The prairie plants cut nicely through the sunset.
I really wish my zoom lens could work at this light level. It would have been nice to zoom in on the cloud pattern right at the horizon level.
Here is a pano of the large reed area. The deer seem to like hiding in this area.
Another shot of the sky colors.
Now the sky is getting too dark to take pictures. There were some cool looking patterns forming towards the end of the sunset.
For comparison here is what the sky looked like in the morning. Nice and wispy and clear with a thick cloudy sunset later on.
That's all for this #wednesdaywalk I may try bringing a floodlight next time to get the family of deer in the evening. Thanks for looking :-)
This is a really great picture, because I've always loved sunset light pictures.
The golden hour is a great time for colorful photos. But that is also the time for all the nocturnal animals to come out which makes it hard to get photos of them because its so dark.
Yeah, but that's really cool.
Wow ....
This beatiful pictures @sketch.and.jam
Thanks :-)
You welcome
@sketch.and.jam wow very beautiful photography.👌
Thanks :-)
Lovely photos of the sunset sky. Luckily, you didn’t run into any alligators! LoL
If it were florida it would be a possibility. The worst thing I could run into around here would be ticks from the deer. Mosquitos have died down fortunately too.
Oh! No! Those darn ticks! They are quite scary!
Yeah if you see a deer then there are definitely ticks around. Sadly some of these carry lyme's disease.
Ya. That’s what I am afraid of! 🙀
There is a strange tick from Asia that can also give you alpha-gal syndrome (an allergy to red meat). They found some of these ticks a couple years ago in Texas. It would be rough to be allergic to red meat in cattle country.
Oh! More scary information! LoL
A pity it was too dark to get shots of the animals but the shots you did get are fantastic
There were two deer right off the bat, then a mom and two babies later on all very tame. Their only predator around here would be coyotes for the very tiny babies.
That’s so cool
even though your lens can't work to take deer shots, but all those sunset shots look very soft with the beautiful world horizon.
greetings to you, hope you are always healthy there, friend!
Thanks, it was a really nice colorful sunset. Things are nice and healthy here.
A very beautiful sunset! I love the pattern created by the grass against the sky.
I love silhouettes against colorful skies, especially trees during the winter.
The colorful sunset pics were really quite stunning. Thank you for capturing an evening around the swamp.
These sunsets only happen around indian summer around here when it is hot and humid in the fall.
It must have been a nice walk under such beautiful sky.
And there were hardly any mosquitos out too.
Ah. That's good. 😊👍
Those are such beautiful pictures of sunsets
Thanks, I used to live in Arizona and every day had a sunset like this. Here this only happens when it is hot and humid at the same time.
You must have missed you old home much. But I bet you moved yo find a greener pasture.
Wow they are striking photos- especially the first one. I love the green algae on top of the water framing each side of the lake and the photo.
Such a stunning and serene place to go for a walk too!
So what camera and what zoom lens did you have? (going to get myself a proper camera, just not sure yet which one yet...)
These were just taken with my phone. My zoom lens was useless in this light, it requires quite a bit of light to get a clear shot.
Ok cool, cause they are pretty go for a phone camera too.
Even my iphone 11 pro doesn't shoot that good, especially in lower light.
I'm just using a samsung s9 in camera raw format. Camera raw is the key to be able to get all the lights/darks in check.
I shoot everything in my iphone in it's native raw Heics files, which are pretty big, but not good enough res for to upload them to peakd I have to export them into pngs first...But i always believe in shooting for the highest that you can cause you can always drop down, but not up- or at least not successfully anyway...Ok cool. Good to know thanks heap @sketch.and.jam
Yeah you need the raws then bring them into photoshop or gimp to adjust the white balance etc to make them look nice.
Yeah that's all I usually do- PS tweak the gamma and steps just a tiny touch to sharpen the image, bump up the Sat the slightest and export into PNGS- unless I feel like having a big play in PS...🤣...I loVe PS...
Beautiful landscape for walking and amazing colors of the sky ... @sketch.and.jam 🥰
This time of day is great for seeing all the nocturnal animals waking up and venturing out into the pathways.
Yes it's definitely great ☀️☀️☀️
Beautiful sunset shots, though!