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RE: One day of rain, and floods threatened.

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS the last couple of second sent shivers down my spine too, were-twin!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Jimmy Brind?!?!?!!

I'm gonna keep an eye out for him. He is as slick as they come, but I have ways of spotting people. Keeping my ear to the ground, so to speak. Word on the street is - he's been in touch with some of the weather organizations. Someone saw him coming out of their headquarters with a small rocket and a bottle of bluish neon liquid. hmmmm the plot thickens hehehehe


Trust me from what I have heard you want to keep well away from him people have been rumored to try and follow him and have never been seen again,
I remember one urban legend when he was on a mission in Pakistan, a nefarious group put a contract hit out on him, but try as they might whenever they got close he had an uncanny sense and would be gone in a flash, and rumour has it furthermore, that the team that were trying to do the hit got into big trouble for not only not completing it, but for having him steal their car and trashing it before they found it

PS some may be true and some may be the story I am spinning

oh my gosh - that makes it even more exciting to know there are true parts hahahahahahahahahahaha


And maybe one say all will become clear

i can wait for one day hehe