If its not one extreme, it's another.
We have drought, fire, floods.
Didn't we have droves of those cicadas in early summer? (Locusts, anyone? 😆) Pretty sure what comes next is frogs and boils. hahaha
I swear - if we get an earthquake in the next week, I'm moving to Canada. Isn't that what everyone says when they're tired of this world??? Canada, here I come! LOL
But for my #Wednesdaywalk - it was actually a JOY to see all this rain. By the time I got to the creek a few hours later, the rains (and the flooding) had really died down. But wow - even then, what a sight!
There is something about the power of water, isn't there? It's just so unrelenting! It just keeps driving and swelling and pushing and wearing down! When I was younger, I came very close to drowning in the rip tide - so I know very well the immense power of water!
And just for fun... the final vision in the video is what water turns to... when its below freezing! HAHAHAHA yes - I AM the Snow Grinch. But in the very beginning, it does look pretty special, doesn't it?
Take a look at this 90 second video and enjoy floods, waterfalls, and snow capped mountains :)
Hope you enjoy!!!
▶️ 3Speak
Water is such a life-giving force, but like fire, as we talked about in the other post, it can also be so destructive! The power of water to sweep away everything in its way, but also to drench the soil to make things grow anew after the destruction. So glad it is raining there! We are entering the summer and the rain is sparse. I am so jealous!
oh - its back to being sparse now again hahahaha
it came in full force (but yes - so so destructive because it flooded quickly and caused mudslides too!) but our reservoirs are filling again (for a time)
I don't really like snow hahahaha
well i like to look at it, but i don't like to be trapped inside the house by it LOOL BUT... i will be SO glad for some snow this winter to FILL the waterways here again!!!!
don't be jealous - just come visit me :) i'll share alllllllllll the rain and snow with you... you can even take some home! hahahahahah
We need some water and snow on this side of the world, so don't mind me taking up your offer 🤣
Oh, I know those rains! Especially after a long drought. It just slides right over the dried ground.
yes and our dirt is so dry - and doesn't seem rooted at all into the mountain hahaha
so that water just WHOOSHes away mud like you wouldn't believe! but thankfully that happens fairly rarely!!
Oh, it happened here about a year ago. Most of the fields they use to grow canola (rapeseed) and wheat on, had massive mudslides and the damage was quite bad. I think this just speaks to our monoculture crops' roots that are not very good for the soil. Or that is just my two cents haha
monocultures are just not the way to go. they require so much to keep everything alive - and really - is it alive??? or dying
i think the latter.
when things are in harmony and balancing out - it is the most beautiful display of creation before us!
i will see your two cents, and raise you another two cents! we are singing the same tune! hehehe
I am glad that we sing the same tune otherwise I would have looked like the fool! But yes, I think most things are rather dying than living. Or they are in limbo. On their way to dying and giving us their "dying fruits". As you said, things look so happy when they grow in balance and how "nature intended".
Isn’t the power of nature amazing to see the volume of water flowing is so powerful and dramatic and that was after the peak
Loved the video except for the last couple of seconds
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
Runout has it Jimmy Brind agent 008 was spotted in your area before all these heavy rains so perhaps there is some intrigue as to the origin of that rain
ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS the last couple of second sent shivers down my spine too, were-twin!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Jimmy Brind?!?!?!!
I'm gonna keep an eye out for him. He is as slick as they come, but I have ways of spotting people. Keeping my ear to the ground, so to speak. Word on the street is - he's been in touch with some of the weather organizations. Someone saw him coming out of their headquarters with a small rocket and a bottle of bluish neon liquid. hmmmm the plot thickens hehehehe
Trust me from what I have heard you want to keep well away from him people have been rumored to try and follow him and have never been seen again,
I remember one urban legend when he was on a mission in Pakistan, a nefarious group put a contract hit out on him, but try as they might whenever they got close he had an uncanny sense and would be gone in a flash, and rumour has it furthermore, that the team that were trying to do the hit got into big trouble for not only not completing it, but for having him steal their car and trashing it before they found it
PS some may be true and some may be the story I am spinning
oh my gosh - that makes it even more exciting to know there are true parts hahahahahahahahahahaha
And maybe one say all will become clear
i can wait for one day hehe
Awesome video! It's good that you still have a sense of humor in such conditions!
hahahaha if we don't have our humor - we are really in a sad state of affairs - right? LOL
I'm glad you enjoyed it - this was a nice quick one for you! hehehehe
(sometimes i talk way too much LOL)
I think the rain's is a good way too cool off after a crazy fire like that. It'll really do a good job of calming down the everything. But it could also be nature's way of shedding tears for all the natural trees, grasses, animals and so on lost to that fire. It really is something to feel sober about.
The water is indeed beautiful 😊, even though it's rushing violently,for a first day that sure is a lot of water from the rain, I'm wondering how a three day downpour would be like. I pray it doesn't become really extreme and don't want you experiencing a drowning again.
By the way..I love your voice, it's so nice.
hehehe it really did calm everything down! even our hearts! too much fire hahahahaha we needed some nice calm LOL
You're right though - the fires AND the floods really are extreme but they keep California beautiful and changing! hehehehe
The rain has stopped - that next day we had blue skies with nice lovely white clouds hehehehe - but soon - the snow and fog will come - and then I'll be sure to share that too hehehehe
thank you so much for the compliment on my voice 😍
Sorry for the late reply, I've been a little busy.
I'm glad the rain finally stopped. Looking forward to the snow though, it'll be a lovely sight to behold, looking forward to your video, hehe.
You're welcome my dear.
Thanks for the reply ❤️❤️
After the drought and fires, now you have rain! Tell me you did not breathe a sigh of relief. At least the rain will cool things down a bit...which means no more fire...welcome snow! Hurray 😄
the rains were AMAZING
it was SO loud and powerful hehehehe so I think the fires are all nice and gone now?!?!?!? i don't know. I stopped looking once our air was clear of smoke hahahaa
and yes - snow. what day will you be coming to see the snow Miss Emmy Kemmy Dreemiedrops?
Nothing like a cleansing rain after a drought 😇 the beauty of nature!!!
Isn't it so glorious Princess!!!!
There is another sweet Princess on the blockchain hehehe have you met her yet? If not - i'm sure someday you'll see her!!! but let me introduce her now hehehe
she is wonderful!
Princess meet Princess!
@princessbusayo 🤗
Hehehe! Most times I am always jealous to see another Princess, thinking no one should drag the title with me 😅😅😅 but is it possible? We all are princesses and princes of the most high God.
Thank you for the introduction momma ♥️
Now, I have met another Princess on the platform and I would definitely follow her up. ♥️♥️
hehehe yes - i think if she is NOT on DreemPort yet... we will bring her along very very soon!!!! :)
Already on dream steem 😊 thanks for having me.
That will be great. She would love it I guess 🤭
Nice to meet you gorgeous 👍 pleased to share the share the name with you.
You are welcome 🤗
here it is @fermentedphil !!
oh wait
i think you just found it on your own hahahahaha
Loved your video @dreemsteem , we have been having some wired weather here in South Africa as well, rain, sunshine, storms all in one day, one never knows how to dress. Must agree though, rain is a beautiful thing and we need it just as much as the sunshine. Thanks for sharing.
you remember my favorite saying, right?
"Better is one day..."