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RE: Walking on Wednesday, It's Addictive!

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

I am glad to hear you are feeling a little better! I am glad Lulu has a set of eyes on you! :) Hopefully in a few days. The days have been gorgeous and I think the nice weather is headed up your way!

Bradford Pear trees are gorgeous. It took me years to be able to identify them, they look a little like another tree I like. I was really shocked to hear they were invasive. They discovered this about ten or fifteen years after they planted them all over the place! So there are tons of them.

It is such a nice time to walk. The season is incredibly beautiful and you still have the entire season to look forward to!

Happy #WednesdayWalk!


Well this morning I woke at my normal time and went for a short walk, was cloudy and dull but great to get some fresh air, but I didnt over do it, only walked maybe a mile and a half, but felt like I had walked twenty LOL