It feels so good to get out into the world, spin around a bit and inhale its beauty. Everything in its own time will be the centerpiece. Right now, the Red Maple in my yard is taking up that space, two weeks ago, it was the Bradford Pear, cut down at the height of its beauty. I will tell you the truth. Up until about a month ago, I had no idea my beautiful Bradford Pear was an invasive species and not good for the environment. Of course, I think that is a cruel trick by Mother Nature. Why make such an invasive species as fair as a beautiful maiden? We'll walk that way to catch it, it still has two or three blooming branches.
"Bradford' was crossing with other pear trees. Even worse, the offspring reverted to the characteristics of the species, which meant tire-puncturing thorns and thug-like thickets that crowded out native plants." source
I have to walk up toward the community center to pick up my pool passes for the family. They have several pools and kiddie pools. Plenty of room and never crowded. But, look! My very favorite: Their beauty whispers, even as I watch them fade and disappear into their finality. Of course, my Spring is just beginning, but, before you can blink an eye, it will have come and gone. But, the beauty? It will still be fresh in my memory. Many roads lead to that place, the one that captures my soul.
Magnolias are stunning in numbers. Then, they all go away and leave big, waxy leaves for the rest of the year. I am walking over to the side of the building to see how ready the pools are. Ready, set, goooo, very soon. I pick up the passes - check! and head back home.
They have benches all over to sit and chat with your neighbor, or take in some sun, or perhaps even for looks, but, I actually doubt that. They are nicely placed and even though I rarely sit on them, it is nice that they are there. We do have some older people in the neighborhood and they like to go do a meet-up with their friends. It is always so nice to see and I am glad they put in the nice touches that make it a friendly place to live. Do you like to meet your neighbors outside on a brilliantly beautiful day and just chat?
All along the sidewalks, there are daffodils and tulips. Because of the interrupted warm weather, it seems everything is blooming at once instead of in stages. Maybe a bit too much all at once, my senses have heightened as much as possible. I am not even allergic to anything. Let's pick up the pace, I am lagging behind, but, now that I think about it, slow down, you are moving too fast. This is not a Wednesday run, is it? Let's enjoy the beauty of the day, all the way home.
All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
I want to thank @tattoodjay for hosting the #WednesdayWalk challenge! Show me where you walked today, I want to see what you got to see and hear what you have to say. I hope you had a fabulous time and I think we should meet up here again next week! If you want to do the challenge, drop him a link on his #WednesdayWalk post so he can try to visit yours! Whatever your day looks like, it is worth a walk through it. You can't always have sunshine and rainbows, but, you can always have a #WednesdayWalk!

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
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What a gorgeous spring walk love ve those blossoms and flowers it’s so special walking this time of year
I didn’t know the Bradford pear tree was invasive mind you not sure I would recognize one if I saw one to be honest
Yesterday and today have been beautiful spring mornings ideal for walks but yesterday I just didn’t have the energy to take a walk
Today feeling a little better but I promised Lulu I would rest up for at least a couple of days and take it easy as per Drs advise but hopefully in a couple of days I will get out fir a morning walk and capture some of springs beauty
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
I am glad to hear you are feeling a little better! I am glad Lulu has a set of eyes on you! :) Hopefully in a few days. The days have been gorgeous and I think the nice weather is headed up your way!
Bradford Pear trees are gorgeous. It took me years to be able to identify them, they look a little like another tree I like. I was really shocked to hear they were invasive. They discovered this about ten or fifteen years after they planted them all over the place! So there are tons of them.
It is such a nice time to walk. The season is incredibly beautiful and you still have the entire season to look forward to!
Happy #WednesdayWalk!
Well this morning I woke at my normal time and went for a short walk, was cloudy and dull but great to get some fresh air, but I didnt over do it, only walked maybe a mile and a half, but felt like I had walked twenty LOL
You've had a great walk filled with Beautiful views,
The flowers looks adorable just like everyone across your path, certainly they've bless and make your walk worth it as well.
It was a great walk! I have to agree! Everything is a shade of beautiful right now, with flowers everywhere! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words!
Have a wonderful day!
Wonderful walk! But I feel sorry for Bradford Pear, which had to be cut down - I'm sure it was very beautiful!
No, they are not cut down, although invasive. :) They are very beautiful! Hello, my friend. Thank you for checking out my #WednesdayWalk.
Has spring reached you yet?
Spring has already reached our city, but so far only the first flowers, the most daring bloomed:) There are no leaves on the trees yet, and we don't expect them before May. But it's still spring, warm and sunny:)
I'm glad the pear tree hasn't been cut down! Have a great day!
I may have to take it down later in the year but more because of the disease that it is showing signs of. I have been treating a tree for two years and it just keeps getting worse and worse but that is another trait of its species. We will see and I will give it life and water and love until that time.
@dswigle , the morning is certainly refreshing , the seasons change and the atmosphere is beautiful, if you walk is such an atmosphere ,you won't be tired. Thank you.
It is an incredibly beautiful morning! Thank you! Everything is freshly watered and green! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!
Thank you are welcome.
Gosh, your magnolias and tulips are far ahead of mine, they are just budding at the moment. A lovely walk for sure and pool passes, that means Summer is on it's way :) Happy #wednesdaywalk @dswigle
We are a lot warmer than Massachusetts is, as a matter of fact, 84 degrees plus today. So everything has been popping with the nice spring weather that has been going on for a while! The daffodils have all but gone and the tulips are still gorgeous and the trees! The trees are green!!!
Summer is on it way, for sure! Just think! You and JJ get to enjoy spring longer than me. Thanks for stopping by and Happy #WednesdayWalk!
Heavens 84! I'd melt. I'm much more a 'cold weather gal' haha and this time of year is my ideal 58-65 F is about my ideal, I can walk, get work done in the garden and just generally ramble about. Once the heat comes, it's in the sea or under a brolly haha. Luckily with our seabreezes here we stay a good 10 degrees cooler than in town, thank heavens for me (hubby wishes it was 90 and humid all the time).
I didn't wish for the 84! I am much more of a New England Coast kind of gal. The Sea Breeze does make it cooler and funny enough the sea breeze on my other house keeps it a little bit warmer. Who knew that that would happen!
Those magnolias really are beautiful! Nice shots. I don't know as though I have ever "knowingly" seen magnolias before. I might have a new favorite flower after that. They are probably much more accessible than irises!
They bloom when we aren't looking! I have to go seek them out sometimes. I love their huge petals and the different varieties, although the large pink ones and the large waxy white ones are my favorites. The south is well known for its beautiful Magnolias. But the North has gorgeous ones too.
You need to plant some irises! :)
What a nice walk !
The white blossoms... perfect sunlight.
The fresh green trees on the hillside.....lush.
The fresh green trees on the hillside are my favorites! They look like an evergreen, but, they are really not. They lose their leaves and come back every spring. We are amazingly green here!! My flowers are popping and my plants are out on the porch. Spring is here and summer is knocking on our door. I got burnt today from being out a couple of hours. I didn't realize it was 84 degrees.
The white blossoms are Bradford Pears, or the last of them anyway. They bloomed crazy because of the three days of freezing weather, half of the trees didn't bloom right away. What? Crazy, right?
It's true, the sun has been undeniably perfect lately.
Le sigh.
Thanks for stopping by... Here is an example of some of the trees.
Such a beautiful season spring… I love it.
Great captures @dswigle. The colours and bright greens. Lovely 🌸🌸🌸
Thank you @littlebee4!!! It is always a great day when you show up on my post! Spring is always incredible, the newness is lovely.
Thanks so much for the kinds words! Sorry I am running so late today for anwering comments!
That’s nice to hear…Hello @dswigle 👋🏻😊
Yes springtime all the new things that happen and change of weather… 🌱🌷🌳🐥🐣🐛🐞🦋
No worries, I soooo understand busy days.
You are so welcome, always happy to visit!
Have a wonderful day today.
I know that life gets busier, the platform gets a little bit quieter in the spring and summer months. So much going on around us!! 🤩
Ok, wasn’t here last year/ spring time but I can imagine… it getting a bit more quieter.
So much to do indeed 😊
We do not even notice, and summer comes. 🙂
Enjoy every summer, while they last.
Nowadays I do not have neighhbors. The roof of the neighbor house is collapsed long ago. Probably much before I moved into this village. There are many collapsed and broken abandoned houses. Not even the government know anything about the owner(s) of some of these houses. Whether they still live or not, etc.
Currently I am on my way to work, but probably I will do my own Wednesday Walk in the afternoon.
Have a nice day day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
Excellent! I bet you had a wonderful #WednesdayWalk! It gets you out there and allows you to share your day with everyone.
That is too bad about the collapsed roofs. Isn't it dangerous leaving them? What if kids get in them?
I do love this time of year! It is simply beautiful! Have a great day!
It was very pleasant. The early mornings are still cold (currently 2 ˚C), but the daylight temperature (mainly the afternoon) is getting warmer and warmer: A real pleasant spring day around 17 °C - My #WednesdayWalk (2022.04.13).
Many of these houses are in this state for decades. Some of them completely collapsed. There is (or at least was, a few years ago) a completely collapsed house in a nearby street, where only the chimney is/was visible.
Some of the kids certainly go into abandoned houses. The gypsies. They take (steal) everything, which can be moved.
Me too. I love the summer too, even if sometimes I say the opposite because of the hot temperatures. Autumn/fall is also beautiful. Winter is not so. I mean the snow has its own beauty, but the freezing temperatures are often literally painful. At least in my country. I know countries, where even the winter has pleasant temperatures.
Thank you. You (and everyone else) too. Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
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Were you whistling, or singing, (or twirling around, hehe)...
Happy day, for sure!What a nice walk @dswigle!!!
All of the above!!!! :) How did you know!?? I did run out of whistles, but, the singing and twirling around !! :))
I hope your day went good as well.
I knew it!
You're a happy, cheerful person.
You bring us so much joy!
That's what I feel about your post. Just simple things but incredible feeling.
What a nice comment! Thank you so much! I appreciate your words and your visit. It is always the simple things, isn't it?
I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Wish you a beautiful week too!
Thank you!
Thank you very much for this lovely walk, Denise!
I enjoyed those colors on your gorgeous pics, and it was as if I was walking with you maybe after a chat on one of those benches.
Have a lovely Wednesday, and enjoy your day! 🌺😊
Hello, lovely!!! :)) We can always chat and walk. I wander all over the neighborhood. I get in my miles and get to enjoy the displays of beauty.
Today I got a little burnt from being out a little. I forgot to put some sunscreen on and boom! The sun showed me who was boss.
Thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to stop by! Much appreciated! Mwah! Happy #WednesdayWalk!
Hello! Take care with the sun. The sun always rules, hehe.
It's always a pleasure to pass by.
Happy Thursday! and Happy Easter! 🤗🌸
The Magnolias flower of many species are considered edible and medicinal as well .
Thank you for that information. I appreciate it.
You’re welcome! Best Regards!!
You have this art of spreading positivity through your words ❣️
Thank you. I think that is important.
Thanks for the repost @ixresteemer!
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Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks for the beer!
It feels like I just took the walk by myself!
Thank you for another wonderful post, dear. I really enjoy reading you and seeing your beautiful pictures. 😍
It should be addictive when such beautiful place around you. Floral images from you is really very superb and other photos also mind blowing. Good to see your Wednesday walk.
Thank you very much. Wednesday walks are a lot of fun.
you have written it in a heart touching pattern. I walked with you on the same way while reading
Busbar was great and varied dear friend. perfect
I'm sorry, I am not sure what a busbar is?
Dear friend, sorry for the typo. It was great
weed is very god
Natural beauty of the flowers and green land
Thank you very much.