The grass grows pretty quickly in those wetlands, doesn't it? I like when they cut it as it helps dry up the water. The longer grass keeps it moist. A little less fun to take a walk through the marshes. My feet never come out dry.
You have had a fair amount of rain, but, I think the heat you have gotten MAY have balanced that out. Perhaps not.
I still love the wooded portion of your walk, especially through the forest! I hope all is going great and I cannot believe that autumn is on its way!
Thank you for such a great #WednesdayWalk~
Ohh yeah my shoes and socks where soaked through after this walk, but worth it it was so nice there that day
Ohh yeah I was amazed how much it had grown, and yes yesterday we finally got some rain, nothing heavy but steady for a few hours which we sorely needed
its funny this year the rain has often curved around us, like yesterday like I say we had steady light rain, but twenty minutes or less away that had really heavy rain and lots of flooding
Will be interesting to see how much or how little color we will get this autumn after the long dry spell
Probably less, to be honwst. Mothrr Nature needs a little rain to color. Who knows? You may have gotten enough! Time will tell!
I look forward to you autumn colors!
yes indeed time will tell, I will be out looking for whatever color we get of course