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RE: An unmatched advantage

in Wednesday Walklast year

but there is a sea monster underneath him.

Oh no, you could have ruined my relaxing swims if I haven't had a similar thought myself. Only mine was with old ladies swimming wearing hats and the monster was taking them leaving floating hats behind :)

Prickly pears are amazing! I wouldn't be surprised even if I see them on another planet!


I don't know, but I'm thinking they are going to go for the middle-aged folks - you know, not too small, but still tender? Wow, I'm taking this sea monster thing too far. Gross. ;)

I love prickly pears too. I am cultivating a bunch of the thornless ones in the part of my garden that the irrigation doesn't reach. Such cool plants. Oh, wouldn't that be lovely if they grew on Mars?

Haha gross indeed! But that's the beauty of horror movies, isn't it?
Mars with prickly pears, that sounds cool :)