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RE: 1st of May, Wednesday. Walk on the beach.

in Wednesday Walk9 months ago

It looks to be a really nice place for a walk and you've captured it well in your photos. When I've thought of Romania in the past the images in my mind didn't look like this however fortunately there's been a few posting from there that have given me a better understanding.

I hope you've been well.


Hey hey! ☺️
I'm glad you have now a different opinion about my country, in a more pozitive way I guess 💟.

Thank you kindly for you reply. You're being nice commenting to my post after this time haha. ☺️

And yes, I am well, really well. I hope it's the same for you too. Sorry, but I couldnt catch up with your blogs..nor anyone else. 🤦‍♀️

The way you portray it (your country) is why I see it differently and to be honest all your posts are interesting and well presented which makes it easy to like them and you. I think you're top notch. (That means, awesome.)

I hope you're well and have a good weekend ahead.

Hey 😳! Me again...after 12 days. Sorry about that, no excuses....but if I may...I would only say buzy days + mom life! Perfect combo to dissapear 😄😁🫣

I'm both surprised and glad to be the reason you may find Romania more...beautiful, lets say. 😁
Thank you also for the...compliment? Can I use this word? I mean, really thank you! ☺️

Also gabrielatravels and triplug write a lot of good posts about Romania, maybe you've seen some of those. They portret it beautifuly!

P.S. now you made me want to write some more posts about my country. What do u say? Should I? 😜

Compliment indeed, and well-deserved. 😊

I follow those two you mention and agree their posts are good, and a good advertisement for Romania. It's difficult to see countries for what they truly are without being there but the posts they (and you) do help that along.

So...I'd say yes, do between your #momlife.

It's difficult to see countries for what they truly are without being there

I get it and I agree 100%.

Yeah 🫠...not just mom life, but others too! I'll post as often as I can, promise! 😊

I'm sure you'll do your best and that's all you can expect from yourself.

Have a nice weekend Miss.

I'm sure I'll do what I can! 😊
I hope you had an amazing weekend too! Mine was really good, relaxing... however at the time I write this, there's a terrible storm outside! It sounds and looks so bad!