1st of May, Wednesday. Walk on the beach.

in Wednesday Walk β€’ 9 months ago

Hello hello! 😁

Here in Romania, as in many countries, 1st of May is the International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day. And I think 90% of Romanians go picnic or they're making a barbeque with family. Either way, 1st of May was always a free day when families would have gathered together and just spend the day enjoying theirselves somehow.
And me, well, I am one of the 90% individuals to stay at home with friends and family, having a meal together or watching a movie, chatting and have a little fun socializing.

However, last year on this specific time, I was in Croatia.

And this year it was the first one to be spending it to our Romanian shores, in Constanta, on the first of May.

Time with our friends here was so lovely and we spent so much quality time together, we even forgot it's Labour Day.
So, NO barbeque! πŸ˜†
I think that day we actually cooked at home some fish, asparagus and risotto.
Anyways, it's not about food so lers go forward.

I just want to share with you some photos I took while taking a walk on the shores of Black Sea, here in Romania. It was a bit windy, but the sun was bright. β˜€οΈ



The photos are taken in Mamaia Nord, a popular destination for tourists in summer.
We walked for an hour. The beaches here are one next to another and many of them are private, meaning you'll need to pay some money in order to stay here.

I really felt sharing these photos taken that Wednesday, 1st of May because it's nearly when I shared my last post on my blog. It's more than one month since my last one and I wanted somehow to... pick up from where I left off.
It's been a really buzy time for me lately and I have some new things going on, but I missed writing.








The beach in Spring looks totally different than in Summer.
It's more W.I.L.D. and C.O.L.D.
But I like the wild vibe.
I love the sea and the feeling of calmness it gives me. The sound of the waves its music to my years...no matter if it's Spring or Summer.

The sea is dark blue, as you can see in the images.
The first photo is my favorite! Such a wild view, I can't even believe it's in Romania, to our shores πŸšπŸŒŠπŸ–β›΅οΈ

Anyways, this post is about good mood and a walk on the beach. I hope I could pass it on you, all the good vibes I mean! πŸ₯° I'm sure everyone of you have something to cheer you up. For me a walk on the beach its exactly this! πŸ’™












I dont know what else to say, I guess I'll see you around πŸ€”πŸ˜‹. I hope I remain again consistent writing on my blog and read more from you too.

I hope you enjoyed the photos and as always when sharing some place from my country, I have to say it: Romania is beautiful. And fortunately, I have heard lately many compatriots admitting that our country is just as besutiful as many others and we have majestic wildlife and mountains. Lakes. Amazing views. Green Nature all around. πŸ’š

missdeli πŸ’Ÿ

Sort: Β 

It looks to be a really nice place for a walk and you've captured it well in your photos. When I've thought of Romania in the past the images in my mind didn't look like this however fortunately there's been a few posting from there that have given me a better understanding.

I hope you've been well.

Hey hey! ☺️
I'm glad you have now a different opinion about my country, in a more pozitive way I guess πŸ’Ÿ.

Thank you kindly for you reply. You're being nice commenting to my post after this time haha. ☺️

And yes, I am well, really well. I hope it's the same for you too. Sorry, but I couldnt catch up with your blogs..nor anyone else. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

The way you portray it (your country) is why I see it differently and to be honest all your posts are interesting and well presented which makes it easy to like them and you. I think you're top notch. (That means, awesome.)

I hope you're well and have a good weekend ahead.

Β 9 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Hey 😳! Me again...after 12 days. Sorry about that, no excuses....but if I may...I would only say buzy days + mom life! Perfect combo to dissapear πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ«£

I'm both surprised and glad to be the reason you may find Romania more...beautiful, lets say. 😁
Thank you also for the...compliment? Can I use this word? I mean, really thank you! ☺️

Also gabrielatravels and triplug write a lot of good posts about Romania, maybe you've seen some of those. They portret it beautifuly!

P.S. now you made me want to write some more posts about my country. What do u say? Should I? 😜

Compliment indeed, and well-deserved. 😊

I follow those two you mention and agree their posts are good, and a good advertisement for Romania. It's difficult to see countries for what they truly are without being there but the posts they (and you) do help that along.

So...I'd say yes, do more...in between your #momlife.

It's difficult to see countries for what they truly are without being there

I get it and I agree 100%.

Yeah 🫠...not just mom life, but others too! I'll post as often as I can, promise! 😊

I'm sure you'll do your best and that's all you can expect from yourself.

Have a nice weekend Miss.

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Looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing. :)

Thank you, glad you like it!

The place is so lovely @missdeli thank you for sharing ☺️

My pleasure to share it πŸ˜‹


Awww, these look like my trio of black cats!!!

Also, you brought a bit of nostalgia with this post haha. I used to go so often by the sea during my college years... I only managed to go once since I moved to Sibiu and it took me 16 hours with the train!!! Definitely not an accessible part of Romania for me anymore :(

Haha. You're having now 3 black cats? 🀭

I only remember one....

Well....when you'll be missing sea like crazy maybe you'll go again...I am already missing the sea but I dont know when we'll go again this summer. Still no plans. I mean, I'm sure we'll go here in Romania or maybe Greece but still dont know when...can't wait thoug!

How are u lately? Are u good? Me...well I was very buzy...and P______T!! πŸ€­πŸ’Ÿ thats why I was silent in here. Hopefully to recharge my batteries and focus to get more active..

I still have Sky as the main cat but I always took care of all the other cats in the neighborhood including siblings mother, fathers and some others too. When I'll move to my own place I'll definitely get Sky's two siblings and mother, but until then I consider them all as mine since I take care of them equally. The single difference is that Sky is grown indoor and the others outdoor :)

Do you mean that word with P? Congrats if it's what I think!!!

Ahhh ok. I see. Well, we have 8 cats at home and some others that live on thr street and we feed those too. So i know how it is.

Yes, the word with P. πŸ€­πŸ’Ÿ thank you! πŸ€— talk to you more in private πŸ’Ÿ
How about you?

Aww, so happy for you! πŸ’• We definitely should speak more in PM, it's been so long!

Don't know what to say about me honestly, so much happened lately! But I'm hanging in as always. Just dealing with everything a bit harder from time to time πŸ€—

We're happy too, but I feel a bit anxious because I know that it will be hard next year...with a new born and another one who'll be first year in school...there will be less time for myself again and I know things will gwt a little bit difficult in every aspect.
But...it doesnt matter. I'm ready, just a bit...unsecure about all the changes that will come up 😁.

Are you good? πŸ₯°

I know and I can only imagine how hard that's going to be. But I know how strong you are and I have no doubt you'll find a bit of time for yourself too. At least I hope so πŸ₯°

I'm good, a pretty bad schedule as always and hard to find time for myself too but being optimistic for what is coming up next πŸ˜€

Good to see a post from you after some time again :) You spent the 1 May holiday at an amazing place :) Hope you and your family are alright. Cheers!

@tipu curate 3

Hey! How are u? How is dad life for you these days?

Thank you for your lovely comment, glad to see one from you!
And yes, we are all very well, thank you! ☺️

Well, it has been pretty crazy since our little princess was born. Soon after that, we moved from Prague to my hometown, now IΒ΄m about to start a new job. Basically the first "real job" in my life. Meanwhile still getting used to parenting and the completely new lifestyle that we had to embrace... So yeah, busy times :) Glad to know that you are all doing alright.

I bet it went crazy for you guys! A child changes evergthing. I'm sorry again for my late reply, also my life has been buzy and a bit "different" filled with some new things, to say so and I just couldnt keep up online here. Every day I had in mind to post something and reply to all the comments I got, also checking out what my friends were posting lately...but I failed 😁... these days my energy levels are quiet low, also I'm a bit tired of all things that are in my life right now.
Reading your comment, I understand I'm not the only one being buzy. I hope your new job suits you and you will accomodate really well with it!

Other than this, we are doing fine. Just buzy anf planning things and day by day real life. 🫠

Amazing photos 😍


Super fotos πŸ‘Œ

Glad you like them!

Congratulations @missdeli! Your post brought a smile to the TravelFeed team so we have sent you a smiley. Keep up the good job. πŸ™‚

Thanks for using TravelFeed!
@for91days (TravelFeed team)

PS: Why not share your blog posts to your family and friends with the convenient sharing buttons on TravelFeed?

Thsnk you for the suggestion, I should check it out!

I love that first picture too :<)

Private beaches? I don't they exist, here in Portugal.

For me it's basically river beaches ( there's a bunch of them in my area ). I like to go there this time of year, while most kids are still in school and most people busy working and it's still not that hot.

Sending a big hug ✨

Β 9 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Yeah..maybe I didnt express myself correctly. There are considered private beaches because in summer, you have to pay to stay on it. Also, from what I heard from our friends, who live here, if its off seassons, you arent really allowed to stay on that beach area, but people dont care about this rule and just walk freely..

River beaches you mean a beach on the river shore?...if thats it, I can understajd why. I lov3 lake beaches...they are also really cool.


River beaches you mean a beach on the river shore?...if thats it, I can understajd why.

Yeah, exactly. We call them 'praias fluviais' here.

Oh, it's celebrated there as well? I am surprised!
the beach is cool! Now it's warm enough to swim?

Yes,.ut is celebrated here too. And a BIG NO, it was cold OmG. Definitely not for swimming. At times, while we walked, I was cold πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ even with my jeans jacket because here and then you could feel a cold breeze. Overall it was lovely, warm and sunny.

you were absent so long! today I checked your page again and yeahh you're here;)

Lol! I was absent again! Sorry, I had a lot going on here! I think I asked u before if you use discord and you said no? Just asking again because I would love to catch up with you πŸ₯°.

I try to be again active, but things were so so buzy! πŸ₯°