This walk is not from a Wednesday day, actually my day has been a little stressful today, in fact just at this moment I wanted to write these lines and share these photos to de-stress and move to this beautiful place I visited on Sunday, and the simple fact of walking it and taking pictures of what was around me made me very happy, as when they say: “Being in the right place with the right person”....
Este paseo no es de un día Miércoles, realmente mi día ha sido un poco estresante hoy, de hecho justo en este momento he querido escribir estas líneas y compartir estas fotos para desestresarme y trasladarme a este hermoso lugar que visité el Domingo, y el simple hecho de caminarlo y tomar fotografías de lo que había a mi al rededor me hizo muy feliz, como cuando se dice: "Estar en el lugar correcto con la persona correcta"...
We were going for a walk to a cool place to spend the afternoon, but on the way we thought of making a stop at the Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas. It is such a big place that it is actually called Ciudad Universitaria. All the faculties are located here with their impressive infrastructures, artwork, sculptures, small auditoriums and the wonderful Aula Magna, a dream place where graduations and concerts are held, I have only been for the latter 😅 There is also the botanical garden, the university stadium and the Olympic stadium and even the University Hospital, wow you can spend all day walking these corridors.
Nos íbamos de paseo a un lugar fresco para pasar la tarde, pero en el camino se nos ocurrió hacer una parada en la Universidad Central de Venezuela en Caracas. Es un lugar tan grande que realmente se le llama Ciudad Universitaria. Todas las facultades se encuentran aquí con sus impresionantes infraestructuras, obras de arte, esculturas, pequeños auditorios y la maravillosa Aula Magna, lugar de ensueño donde se llevan a cabo graduaciones y conciertos, yo solo he estado para lo segundo 😅 También está el jardín botánico, el estadio universitario y el estadio olímpico y hasta el Hospital Universitario, vaya que se puede pasar todo el día caminando estos pasillos.
Particularly what caught our attention were the trees and vegetation. We knew that we would be most of the time protected from the sun's rays by the many trees, besides being able to appreciate representative and iconic works of our country as La Torre del Reloj, or as everyone calls it, the clock of the UCV. Every time I pass in front of it I feel like I am breathing Venezuela, and it always gives us good poses playing with the clouds and the vegetation that surrounds the rectorate square.
Particularmente lo que más nos llamó la atención fueron los árboles y la vegetación. Sabíamos que estaríamos la mayor parte del tiempo protegido de los rayos del sol por los numerosos árboles, además de poder apreciar obras representativas e icónicas de nuestro país como La Torre del Reloj, o como todos le llamaos, el reloj de la UCV. Cada vez que paso frente a él siento que respiro a Venezuela, y siempre nos regala buenas poses jugando con las nubes y la vegetación que rodea a la plaza del rectorado.
It's nice to walk with my wife, and also to discover corners of the city that we didn't know, it makes me feel good and right now I would really like to be walking with her, but only in two days of work I already have a lot of stress on top hahaha, but wow seeing the pictures calms me down and makes me relive the moment. Writing is definitely as liberating as going for a walk. In the past I always wanted to study at this university, but life gave me the path of the arts and another very important university in Caracas, but although I did not study here, I feel very much mine to the Universidad Central, besides, I have had great musical moments here, like my first concert in Caracas, when I did not even know the capital.
Es bonito caminar junto a mi esposa, y también descubrir rincones de la ciudad que no conocíamos, me hace sentir bien y justo en este momento me gustaría mucho estar paseando con ella, pero solo en dos días de trabajo ya tengo mucho estrés encima jajaja, pero vaya que ver las imágenes me calma y me hace revivir el momento. Definitivamente escribir es tan liberador como salir a dar una caminata. En el pasado siempre quise estudiar en esta universidad, pero la vida me destinó el camino de las artes y otra universidad muy importante en Caracas, pero aunque no estudié aquí, siento muy mía a la Universidad Central, además, grandes momentos musicales los he tenido acá, como mi primer concierto en Caracas, cuando ni siquiera conocía la capital.
We have taken walks as a couple as an almost daily activity, and it has made us deal with many situations that are experienced around here. We ourselves have to change our environment, open a window and breathe. The university is not close to our house, but it is worth it to go there and take in the beauty of the place. Even this day was very bright, with a beautiful blue sky. Yes, it was a bit hot, but being surrounded by greenery makes it cooler.
Hemos tomado los paseos en pareja como una actividad casi diaria, y nos ha hecho lidiar con muchas situaciones que se viven por acá. Nosotros mismos tenemos que cambiar nuestro ambiente, abrir una ventana y respirar. La universidad no está cerca de nuestra casa, pero vale la pena trasladarnos hasta allá y despejarnos con la belleza del lugar. Incluso este día estuvo muy brillante, con un cielo azul hermoso. Sí, había algo de calor, pero estar rodeado de vegetación hace que sea más fresco.
When I started writing this post I was feeling just like the sculpture in the picture above, but I'm better now. I've really taken a Wednesday walk with remembering this day in such detail. Be that as it may, a walk is healing and revitalizing. Thank you to all who have read my post, I hope you liked this journey through my words. I can only say goodbye with the faith to continue sharing every Wednesday in the community, hugs to all!...
Cuando comencé a escribir este post me sentía justo como la escultura de la fotografía de arriba, pero ya estoy mejor. Realmente he dado un paseo de miércoles con el hecho de recordar este día tan detalladamente. Sea como sea, una caminata es sanadora y revitalizante. Gracias a todos los que han leído mi post, espero que les haya gustado este recorrido a través de mis palabras. No me queda más que despedirme con la fe de seguir compartiendo cada miércoles en la comunidad. ¡Un abrazo para todos!...
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Thank you so much my friends!...
Very grateful to the Qurator team, it is an honor to be chosen by you. Hugs to all!...
La ciudad Universitaria será siempre un lugar lleno de tantas historias! Amé mucho estar ahí, lo bueno es que pronto voy a volver! Gracias por compartir! Saludos!
Oye que bien que regreses, ya verás tu mismo si la encuentras igual de hermosa o si hay cambios para bien o para mal. Yo he ido veces muy contadas, pero como admirador de la arquitectura siempre encuentro algo para distraerme. Muchas gracias por comentar hermano, y disculpa lo tarde de mi respuesta...
That is a nice place, many vegetation, statues, and two models of tools to mine oil. I think this place is good place for walking or just killing time also relax for a while. Nice post! Execelente!
You are absolutely right, it is perfect to go for a walk, in fact I have gone there also at night and everything looks good with the lights. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your kind impressions my friend...
Very nice ... we have a university that became a city here in California too, but yours is more colorful, and just as peaceful!
My friend, happy to read you. Thank you so much for visiting and supporting my post. How interesting when a building is built with so much love that it can become a whole city, I think it happens with major universities. I don't doubt that in your area it is very sisterly too. I send you a big hug!...
Recordar los paseos es vivirlos nuevamente y con las fotografías logramos eso tan especial para que no nos sintamos como la escultura triste. Hermoso lugar Jesús, muchas gracias!!!😃
Realmente me sentí así cuando escribí esto jajaja, pero ha sido una gran semana luego de ese día. Gracias por estar siempre, y disculpa que yo siempre estoy ocupado...
No te preocupes!!! Buenas noches!
This is beautiful Boss. I also love that quote: been in the right place with the right person. I love that right person I saw beside you. She looks so beautiful. Send my regards to her.
This is a beautiful walk meant to cool off the stressed day already.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post with us.
Thank you very much for your kind words. Every time you greet my wife I send her these comments, she also appreciates you very much, I always show her your videos hahaha. A hug for you!...
Beautiful place with some great sculptures. I love the pictures, everything so nice and green. I haven't been to Caracas since 97, beautiful as ever. What a great place to stroll and enjoy with your wife, very cool!
Wow, since '97, well many things have changed here, whether for better or worse, but I am sure that University City maintains its glory, generation after generation. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I really appreciate it and sorry it took me so long to respond this week...
Travel Digest #2323.
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Hiya, @lauramica here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Your post has been manually curated by the @worldmappin team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!Maravilloso, muchísimas gracias por valorar mi publicación, y gracias @lauramica, siempre admirándote desde aquí 🙏
Hello to both of you,
Nice ride. You do well to go for a walk together whenever you can... if it's daily as you say, all the better. You relax, have a nice time and then we can go to those places from the comfort of our room... hahaha.... thanks my friend.
Thank you for your pleasant presence among my comments, it is always a joy. Here my girl also sends you greetings, and well, we continue taking walks and walks in various parts of Caracas, I think it's our new hobby...
It is an elegant building. All spaces it seems well suited for students and with great care for cleaning
Yes, it is a heritage of the capital of my country. Thank you very much for noticing it and sharing your impressions with me. Sorry for the delay my friend...
No need apologise, friend. 🖤