A ¨WednesdayWalk¨ in a space surrounded by natural beauty (Es-Eng)

in Wednesday Walklast month
Como están mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  Una vez más me autoconvoco para acompañar a mi amigo tattoodjay:  en este desafío semanal que me permite poder compartir con los apasionados de las caminatas, unas preciosas fotografías que hemos hecho en un rincón hermoso de mi ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends from this wonderful ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  Once again I call myself to accompany my friend tattoodjay:  in this weekly challenge that allows me to share with hiking enthusiasts some beautiful photographs that we have taken in a beautiful corner of my city

Este es uno de los tantos espacios recreativos que tenemos aquí, y lo que me gusta y hace que lo visitemos, es la gran presencia natural que hay. Me encanta ver lo mucho que han crecido las ¨palmeras¨:  y lo bien mantenidas que están, me apasiona ver como sus ¨dátiles¨:  caen el suelo creando una ¨situación¨¨fotográfica¨, cualquier persona que ame la fotografía vería la potencial escena que crean estos frutos

Source: Family Álbum

This is one of the many recreational spaces we have here, and what I like and makes us visit it is the great natural presence there. I love seeing how much the ¨palm trees¨:  have grown and how well maintained they are, I am passionate about seeing how their ¨dates¨:  fall to the ground creating a photographic ¨situation¨, anyone who loves photography would see the potential scene that these fruits create

Siempre que visito esta hermosa plaza me traen muchos recuerdos, este lugar era el favorito de mi abuelo Mosqueda, cada fin de mes que lo acompañaba a retirar sus ¨haberes¨, nos quedamos sentados por hora viendo a las personas caminar por el centro de la plaza; años más tarde, a diario pasaba por el interior de la plaza al digerirme a el colegio que esta muy cerca de aquí, y desde entonces recuerdo que siempre estuvo bien cuidada

Source: Family Álbum

Whenever I visit this beautiful square, it brings back many memories. This place was my grandfather Mosqueda's favorite. Every month, when I accompanied him to pick up his "salaries," we would sit for an hour watching people walk through the center of the square; Years later, I would pass by the square every day on my way to school, which is very close to here, and since then I remember that it was always well kept

No puedo negar que me encanta el jardín que han hecho después de la última restauración, le aporta belleza y carácter al lugar. Amo la naturaleza, y cada vez que veo plantas de ¨rosa¨:  me tengo que detener a admirar su belleza, aunque tengo que reconocer que las flores del ¨ave-del-paraíso ¨:  son realmente muy hermosas, y ornamenta muy bien el espacio

Source: Family Álbum

I can't deny that I love the garden they made after the last restoration, it brings beauty and character to the place. I love nature, and every time I see ¨rose¨:  plants I have to stop and admire their beauty, although I have to admit that the ¨bird-of-paradise¨:  flowers are really very beautiful, and they decorate the space very well

A sido genial llevar nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ a esta hermosa caminata que hemo hecho por este precioso lugar, un lugar con mucha presencia natural y que me traen bellos recuerdos. Genial que la caminata de esta semana lo hayamos hecho en este rincón repleto de bellas plantas florales, un hermoso lugar rodeado de belleza natural

Source: Family Álbum

It has been great to take our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ to this beautiful hike that We have done this beautiful place, a place with a lot of natural presence and that brings back beautiful memories. It's great that we did this week's walk in this corner full of beautiful floral plants, a beautiful place surrounded by natural beauty


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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Thank you very much dear friends @travelfeed

A beautiful garden indeed. Lovely all the flowers around. They did a great job in restoring it.
Thanks for taking us along today.
Have a wonderful day my friend @jlufer 😊

In my city they are doing a great job in recreational spaces, giving a lot of presence to nature
This garden looks beautiful there

Have a beautiful Wednesday Thank you very much dear friend @littlebee4 for this pleasant visit and support that you always give me

You are welcome 🤗 that is wonderful to hear.
Enjoy your day!

Que hermosa plaza y que hermosas flores. El color de las rosas es precioso y me recuerda unas que tenía. Hermosa caminata!! Que tengas un lindo día!😃

Esta plaza es hermosa, esta muy bien cuidada y su jardin luce precioso

Un abrazo para toda la familia Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por apreciar mis tomas,

Que pases un hermoso día con la familia también!

I love the low down perspective you used for the date shots, with my age and achy knees getting down for that level of shot is easy getting up not so much LOL

Love allthe colorful flowers on a grey and bitterly cold day her ei needed some color

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day

Doing that style of photography from below always looks good, but as you say, it's not good for the kneesHow are you, dear friend @tatuajedjay

The garden and the flowers look beautiful, they are well cared for

Thank you for always supporting my posts

Have a lovely day

Hello good friend how are you? Very beautiful post, the view in the corner of the city. The fruit is falling, the flowers are starting to bloom and the weather is good. Thank you. Happy days.

This is a beautiful place for a hike
Have a great dayall good for caca dear friend @hsidik thanks for asking

You're welcome greetings.

It was wonderful that we visited this beautiful place that brings back so many memories
What beautiful shots

Every time I pass by this square I am in a shower of emotions, on this occasion we took beautiful different shots

Congratulations @jlufer! You received the biggest smile and some love from TravelFeed! Keep up the amazing blog. 😍

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@for91days (TravelFeed team)

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You are a great team of people, thank you very much dear friends @travelfeed for the great support you always give me

Congratulations, you have received support from Ecency through curator @reachdreams

Have a great dayThank you very much dear friend @reachdreams

You're welcome, I hope you have a nice day too.

Manually curated by Blessed-girl
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Discord Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en

I appreciate with all my heart the daily support. Thank you very much dear friends.

En verdad una hermosa y colorida plaza.
Gracias por compartir siempre tan hermosas fotografías.


Esta es una plaza realmente hermosa, con un jardin bellamente cuidado

Muchas gracias querido amigo @edgerik

Que tengas un feliz inicio de semana

BEERHey @jlufer, here is a little bit of from @edgerik for you. Enjoy it!

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nice place and photos, @jlufer. 😊

Thank you very much dear friend @theworldaroundme for appreciating my city

Have a beautiful day

You're welcome, you too have a lovely day ☺️