When it's all about everything ¨WednesdayWalk¨ (Es-Eng)

in Wednesday Walk4 months ago
Una vez más aquí en esta maravillosa ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  para acompañar a mi amigo tattoodjay:  en su propuesta semanal a participar de esta increíble iniciativa que nos invita a hacer algo saludable por nuestro organismo y muy beneficioso para la mente, ya que uno al hacer tomas de los lugares que camina se distrae y se distiende.

Source: Family Álbum

Once again here in this wonderful ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  to accompany my friend tattoodjay:  in his weekly proposal to participate in this incredible initiative that invites us to do something healthy for our body and very beneficial for the mind, since when taking photos of the places we walk, we get distracted and relaxed.

Nuca estuve tan equivocado que al pensar que las cosas pueden ser un hecho aislado, cuando en realidad todo tiene que ver con todo. Hace algunos días el clima en mi ciudad se está comportando un poco extraño, días de intensos calores, mañanas extremadamente frescas y muchas lluvias

Source: Family Álbum

I have never been so wrong as to think that things can be an isolated event, when in reality everything has to do with everything else. The weather in my city has been behaving a bit strange for a few days now, days of intense heat, extremely cool mornings and lots of rain

El martes la mañana se comportó extraña, inicio con un hermoso ¨cielo¨¨azul¨ que no tardo en adoptar un color rojizo, el ¨sol¨ se puso intenso y la ¨temperatura¨ extrema, incluso debajo de los árboles los ¨rayos¨ se colaban entre el follaje, ni siquiera bajo sus sombras uno se podía sentar

Source: Family Álbum

Tuesday morning was strange, it started with a beautiful blue sky that soon turned reddish, the sun became intense and the temperature extreme, even under the trees the rays came through the foliage, not even under their shadows could one sit

La tarde se presentó ¨apocalíptica¨, un tenue manto de humo cubría algunas partes del ¨sol¨, las ¨nubes¨ corrían con el viento recreando un ¨postal¨¨bíblica¨ sobre el ¨sol¨, que seguramente mis ¨ancestros¨ al ser ¨supersticiosos¨ estarían de acuerdo con estas afirmaciones. Por lo que he aprendido con los años de vivir en mi ciudad, cuando el día y la tarde se comporta así, seguro tendremos una noche lluviosa

Source: Family Álbum

The afternoon was apocalyptic, a thin blanket of smoke covered some parts of the sun, the clouds blew with the wind recreating a biblical postcard over the ¨sun¨, which surely my ¨ancestors¨ being ¨superstitious¨ would agree with these statements. From what I have learned over the years of living in my city, when the day and the evening behave like this, we will surely have a rainy night

Pasada la medianoche la lluvia no tardó en llegar y se mantuvo poco antes del ¨alba¨, esto hizo que tuviéramos una mañana fresca ideal para una hermosa caminata por el predio que tanto me gusta; amo la lluvia, sobre todo porque es una bendición para las plantas silvestres, y cuando llueve las plantas en la reserva están resplandecientes. Ha sido genial haber llevado a esta caminata nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para hacer estas tomas preciosas de nuestra caminata por este preciso lugar

Source: Family Álbum

After midnight the rain did not take long to arrive and it continued shortly before ¨dawn¨, this made us have a cool morning ideal for a beautiful walk through the property that I like so much; I love the rain, especially because it is a blessing for wild plants, and when it rains the plants in the reserve are resplendent. It has been great to have taken our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ on this walk to take these beautiful shots of our walk through this precise place


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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Hey @jlufer you are welcome. Thanks for using @worldmappin 😘

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Thank you very much dear friends @travelfeed

@jlufer good friend.good afternoon Indonesia time, Wednesday. The picture is very cool, the color of the morning light is shrounded in thin clouds but beautiful to look at. Thank you. Happy days, greetings.

Thank you very much for appreciating my photos, you are very kind
Have a good dayGood afternoon dear friend @hsidik

Thanks again friend.

It feels good to walk around the property after the rain, there is a pleasant climate there
beautiful photographs of the sun

It's great to walk through the reserve after a rainy night, it's much more enjoyable.

Que maravillosos colores que da al cielo, el sol maravilloso!! Impresionantes fotografías de un hermoso paseo y caminata. Muchas gracias por compartirlo!😃

los dias de mucho calor es comun ver al cielo de la ciudad de esta manera

Que tengas una hermosa tarde Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por apreciar mis fotografias

Que tengas una hermosa tarde también!!

the flowers are beautiful, the skie sominous and freaky
I think your right in some way often in ways we do not see everythingis connected

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day

It is always a pleasure to participate in your weekly challenge
Have a beautiful morningGood morning dear friend @tatuajedjay, thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind

Congratulations @jlufer! You received the biggest smile and some love from TravelFeed! Keep up the amazing blog. 😍

Thanks for using TravelFeed!
@for91days (TravelFeed team)

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Thank you very muchHow great it feels to receive your daily support, dear friend @travelfeed

Stay safe and well

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!ALIVEWow some amazing pictures @jlufer have the greatest day

- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

I'm glad to know that you liked my images
Thank you very much for the great support you always give me
Greetings to the whole familyHow are you, dear friend @benthomaswwd, good morning

What a beautiful sun photos. And the flowers, they are shining. I love the way you arranged the photos :)

I'm glad to know that you liked my photos and my post
I appreciate with all my heart the great support you give me
Have a beautiful dayGood morning dear friend @rem-steem

My pleasure. You too have a good day.