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RE: My FIRST Wednesday Walk with the Wednesday walk community

in Wednesday Walk5 years ago

With Dad unable to get out and about this is a wonderful way to share what you doing and seeing. Lock down has made elderly people feel very lost and extremely lonely, keep doing what you do to make virtual time together meaningful.

We managed to eventually get to a park walk last weekend, first time since end March, it was exhilarating, dogs were ecstatic going out again. Hope life comes back to a little of normal soon.

Life does get the better of us, no need to apologize, wishing you a wonderful day.


Yes, that right, the elderly are suffering without being able to have viosits form their families. I have printed out a bunch of short stories and poems that I wrote years ago and today I have organised them into nice new PINK folders to send to my flatmates 87ry old mum in Sydney and another freinds 93yr old mum here in Melbourne, so they can have a read of something fresh and give them a giggle hopefully.

The 4 stories that I wrote for the Featheredfriends contest are in there too!

I think life afetr lockdown will end up ebing a completely new normal and lets hope that it become better than it was before lockdown.

So glad that you got to get out and enjoy a walk.
I am too tomorrow, so I can go to the post office to send the folders away.

Anyway, take care and speak soon.