The safest pedestrian crossing in the world 😁

in Wednesday Walk β€’ last month


Before we begin, a little warning for potential readers:

In this post, we will not see great architectural beauties, we will not be delighted with cultural or historical facts, we will not discuss important philosophical topics, nor will we feel the freshness of natural beauties. I tell you all this at the beginning so that there is no confusion later, at least I can clarify this, if not some other things.

So in case you decided to keep up with reading this post despite the warning, what can you expect to see today on my blog? hmm ... you see... wait until I try to offer something interesting, otherwise everyone will really run away at the very beginning and then that little introduction will not make sense and will not have a continuation.πŸ˜‚

...we will walk, quite far, outside the urban area, although you will not have to suffer from the cold strong wind as we did, you will not have to feel the length of this walk, walk on inadequate roads and have a small crisis that finally ended in a cafe as an act of survival. Lucky you! However, you can virtually accompany me in my search for pilates lessons, which is why this walk happened yesterday afternoon. I can also share with you a thought that walking through a city, a village, or a landscape can be considered a process in which you appropriate that place as part of your daily travels, and ultimately, you adopt it as part of your experiences that you will take with you even after leaving that particular place. It is also making little discoveries and getting to know the new environment.


Another reason to walk with me would be to spot the paths of desire, in your place or in this case in mine, which are those trails that people make themselves through a terrain, marking them with their feet as a consequence of having walked there many times, even though it was not planned and designed. Do you have such desire paths in the city, town, village, neighbourhood or house where you live?

I guess you do... but, do you have such a pedestrian crossing like I found in this walk?


You don't have them?

Then let me present to you the safest pedestrian crossing in the world!


There is no way a car could hit you as the road leads nowhere 🀣 - there is no road actually! If you observe the traffic signs you will think it was just a joke someone made this pedestrian crossing as nothing makes sense here, nothing! πŸ˜‚

good, I think you don't miss all those things I mentioned in my intro, as I hope the funny sight of this pedestrian crossing made up for the lack of other stuff



And that is not all. Here you have a unique opportunity to walk on the bike lane - on foot I mean, without a bike as I still haven't brought my bicycle from the old place, I left it in my friend's home. We had no choice, no pavement for pedestrians just for two wheels. Although my husband was investigating the possibility of taking one of those desire paths to get back to the city; he spotted one person walking there between the shrubs. Yeah, there were several little paths indeed.


The red thing we see in this photo is a skate park. But that is not the activity I was looking for to find. We went to one sports centre, located a bit further (and this was already the part of walking back) to see the activities they offer. I want to catch up again with the pilates lessons and another activity we are interested in is excursions to the mountains with the hiking group.

We were informed about the prices which are quite affordable on a monthly basis but we would need to pay an enrollment fee which was 400€. It is per family and you pay it just once; for families with kids, it is really good, if all the family members decide to participate in different sports activities, but just for the two of us... I don't know, I wanted just pilates and hiking... I think it is too much and a bit far away from my home.


Here I got the real sign that this is not the option for us - don't go there! πŸ˜‚

We crossed the bridge and went back to the city, the wind was merciless and from all this walking there and back I started to feel weird.



From one moment to the next, I felt very weak, dizzy and sweating (but the day was cold) as if I had low blood pressure or a sudden drop of sugar level in my blood, I don't know. Returning to the area where the pavements were already suitable for our feet, and as you see the pedestrian crossings became normal too, we sat on a bench to see if I would feel better.




Nope. The only solution to survive the situation was to recharge the batteries. That's what we did, in this way.

Maybe I just invented the crisis part so we can have a coffee break. πŸ˜‚


no, I didn't.


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Me tienes hoy con carcajadas 🀣 desde que Yin me tasajeΓ³ la mano 😁. But that's another story. Let's concentrate on this one: Pilates and hiking, cheers, but don't forget the snack in your bag. Hopefully you'll find a way to get back to it. The 400 euros are monthly? Are you drinking enough water? The crosswalk... you know, I burst out laughing. The bike. You can pick up your bike from your friend's house and visit your bird friends, maybe the landscape looks greener now. Take food for them, you take away your own and that's why you are thin, you need to eat more... hahaha... this is a projection, πŸ˜„ I am very thin. There are bike racks that fit on the back of the car to transport one or two bicycles.
The paths of desire, I didn't know they had that name. It burns my wounds writing. So I'm done for today. CuΓ­date mucho, mipiano. Un abrazo.

QuΓ© ha hecho Yin? Scratched your hand? I know, the snack in the bag was missing. I found another place with reformer pilates closer to my home, I am waiting now for them to arrange me a schedule. Can't wait to start again, I really need it.

400 euros is just once, like one initial fee to become a member and it is for the whole family. If I had a lot of children and all of them wanted to do some sports then it would be worth it, but in our case no, it is too much. The monthly fees for the activities are more affordable though than in other places.

Oh, I am not thin, quite the contrary and should cut down on food, especially late in the evening, but the days I work I come home late, around 22h and hungry 🀐

πŸ˜ƒ oki estΓ‘s fit I know. Pilates sΓ­, a por ello. SΓ© que te sentiste muy bien cuando lo estabas haciendo antes.

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the safest pedestrian crossing in the world!

Haha, there should be a roof for even more safety!

I confirm what @erikah says, in Romania, there are such examples, roads that end in the field, unfinished bridges and many others. I like that you stopped for coffee, @mipiano. I always do...

With a roof - it would break all the records of safety πŸ˜‚!!

hahaha... i bet there's some bureaucrat who's mighty proud of himself for getting all those pedestrians across the road safely...

Haha, yes.

Safety in the first place!!!

(it didn't even cross my mind to cross there πŸ˜‚)

luckily enough there's a bureaucrat in his armchair who thought about that for you... and just in case, they made sure it was absolutely safe for you not to think about it... isn't that what we need our governments for?!

and yes, always, safety first, above all... risk evaluation can wait.

Β last monthΒ (edited)Β 

We are so lucky, you see? :D

How are you doing lately? Any time to take more walks and see Ronald?

aww... that's so nice of you to ask!

as a matter of fact, I am on a little walk right now and I've paid my daily peanut tax in the morning already, too.

I'd have to lie to say I am doing good, though. The caretaking responsibilities are quite something and I am struggling to keep a positive attitude to be honest.

hmm, I felt you could be a bit struggling... but I can send a friendly hug and hope it could help at least a bit, for a moment πŸ€—!

Hahaha, the daily peanut tax πŸ˜‚ 🐦

thanks! it does help!

I'm on my 5th year now, it doesn't get any easier, but eventually I'll be grateful for having had this opportunity!!

Hi Mipiano I'm a bit lost jiji, but reading your post is always good. I sincerely want to think that pedestrian crossing is a joke...who would have come up with something like that ???? 🀣. Well....thanks to whoever it was and to you too for the laughs provoked πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚.

I think that discomfort was the excuse to have a cup of coffee πŸ˜‰πŸ˜. Seriously, stay hydrated on your hikes and always carry a snack.... just in case.

QuΓ© bueno que empezarΓ‘s en pilates...a por ello!!! Un abrazo πŸ€— y lindo finde para los 3.

SΓ­, eso espero, hoy me escribieron para intentar encontrar un horario bueno. Espero empezar la semana que viene, solo que me digan cuando jaja

I hope you didn't get lost because of this walk :D The pedestrian crossing was a funny find, I think I will observe better the streets now if I see some similar absurd examples πŸ˜‚

Gracias, feliz finde igualmente πŸ˜‡

Hi. Lots of funny stuff in your post. The introduction and then the crosswalk with signs that make no sense. The roads don't look strange to me.
They seem strange I walk every day on a path until I get to the road. I find interesting things and sorry too. Por favor cuidate que con la salud no se juega.

Thank you @yanerkidiaz , I am glad you found it funny too πŸ˜‡

SΓ­, me cuido, y me cuidarΓ©, gracias πŸ˜‰

The thing about warnings is they ussually are placed to warn right? But also has to be considered who putted it there and why, in this case, this warning told me to stay in the walk and I did cause there use to be some interesting stuff in your walks and that can't be missed.
About the safest pedestrian crossing in the world
Guess there's gotta be a reason for that, maybe they are gonna build something there, maybe they have a project, right? Or maybe not, perhaps it's a joke to make a fun day to the visitors.

Warnings are indeed placed to warn hahaha, I am glad you didn't listen to it and continued with the post and saw that pedestrian crossing, actually, I hope it brought laughter to everyone who saw it as it was hilarious πŸ˜‚

Yeah it brought laugh to me in deed, you improved a bit my day with that, since I woke up with a tooth ache that allowed me barely sleep and it seems a virus is hitting me as well, cause my body hurts all over and got some fever too, but, stop that Raúl, she's mipiano, no midoctora, jajaja, seriously, it was hilarious. Thanks for that.😁

Yeah it brought laugh to me in deed, you improved a bit my day with that, since I woke up with a tooth ache that allowed me barely sleep and it seems a virus is hitting me as well, cause my body hurts all over and got some fever too, but, stop that RaΓΊl, she's mipiano, no midoctora, jajaja, seriously, it was hilarious. Thanks for that.

Yeah it brought laugh to me in deed, you improved a bit my day with that, since I woke up with a tooth ache that allowed me barely sleep and it seems a virus is hitting me as well, cause my body hurts all over and got some fever too, but, stop that RaΓΊl, she's mipiano, no midoctora, jajaja, seriously, it was hilarious. Thanks for that.

I hope your toothache doesn't get worse while laughing... Maybe the virus sees the cross from my post and it goes away knowing it is not allowed to pass and attack people 😁

Hahahahah, thank you again, you stole out a laugh from me, but don't bother, I'm using the stomach mouth to laugh, hahahaha, no danger. I'll expulse a long breath to de crossing, and let's see if it works getting the virus away from me.

Good idea ;D

πŸ˜‚ You reminded me of one of my whiteboards from my Pinterest account. I called it "aberrant accessibility", there I kept examples like that of that safe pedestrian crossing. I don't know what will be in other countries, but here in Spain you will find examples like that everywhere. With the construction crisis of 2008 they multiplied. 🀣 Please be careful with your blood pressure and glucose level, if this kind of episode happens more often go to the doctor for a check up. ❀️

Hahaha, I imagine what examples you have had there πŸ˜‚

Actually, @erikah just said she thought these examples exist just in her country haha, but now we see that Spain is competing here for that award πŸ˜‚

It happens sometimes, not so often but when we used to walk every day in our old place I had the habit of taking some little snacks just in case, but I forgot about it. Gracias Paloma πŸ˜‡

An example:

(Cosas muy locas!! πŸ€ͺ)

Yes, @ Erika can be calm. In other countries we do things just as badly or worse. πŸ™„

Remember not to forget your saviour snack. 😘


I laughed out like crazy at this photo 🀣

We need to put up a sign: "Road to nowhere" 🀣

For that bike ride I have one but it's a sculpture... I'll cross at that pedestrian crossing, there I'm sure it will take me to... a... nature... no cars!

You always have to pay attention to the signs... I told you not to cross there... I left the sign before you passed... it doesn't pay attention hahaha

Careful I think that was low blood sugar, I don't think low blood pressure, it's not hot and you weren't in a closed place, I suffered from that before. A coffee and a sweet... holy remedy!

But that crazy pedestrian crossing is great!🀣

Well yes, there would be cool to walk as it is nature, but not so comfortable as the terrain is uneven and many shrubs and dust haha, it is not the botanical garden, we don't have such a place here

Oh, so it was you who put that cross there? πŸ˜‚

The remedy was perfect 😁 but I should not go on long exhausting walks without water and a snack, that's all. πŸ™‚

Yes, I put that sign!🀣

When I arrived here I lived 12 kilometres from the centre and on a walk I got dehydrated, I had a very bad time until I could get home, since then I've been carrying my water and even if it's biscuits .... be careful with that. Eat!

So you learned, I see. And you warned me, thank you, but why you didn't put by that cross also a reminder to have food with me πŸ˜†?

You have to eat more... more hahaha I'm an incognito person .... hahaha

no no nooooo, less less less hahaha

I heard you wanted to send me a black blouse, which is S size, if I eat more then I will not be able to wear it πŸ˜‚

You'll look good!! hahaha eat eat eat!!!!🀣

Well I did read on past your warning and must say not only cool photos but such an interesting read it was, thats where I struggle with writing good and readable text to go with my photos

and I do agree with you that has to be the safest and strangest Pedestrian crossing in the world

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk and have a good day

Thank you @tattoodjay. πŸ™ You know, I am not a photographer nor do I have a good camera/phone so I enjoy preparing these posts where the hopefully fun writing part has to bring the weight. πŸ˜‰

That is seriously a risk averse crossing!! I am sure coffee and cake got the sugar levels up !!

Yes, and I didn't even cross it, I walked in the dangerous part πŸ˜‚

It took a couple of minutes for the sugar to kick in; I felt much better after it, wouldn't arrive home on my feet if not haha πŸšΆβ€β™€

living on the edge there!

I thought only in Romania you can see such things but I was wrong.

However, you gave me an idea for an interesting post, I just have to gather some photos for the fun.

Hey, that will be funny!! Looking forward to seeing it when you gather some examples 😎

I miss such wide roads!
There are no such in Cyprus.
But we have roads where 2 people cannot walk next to each other, one must go down to the roadway. Do you have such roads? 🀣

Unfortunately, we have such narrow ones too haha, those are quite annoying πŸ˜‚

There are even those where it is a challenging task to walk one person haha

Holaaaa @mipiano.. I think your warnings just forced me to stay hehehehe....

On the other hand as much as you made them for me your photos and locations are beautiful, they are warm and full of those nice colors....

I would have gone for that cafe too β˜•.

So my warnings worked in the opposite way 😁

Thank you @ladylein πŸ˜‡

Β last monthΒ (edited)Β 

Hahaha Gret "paso de zebra" xD
I loved the walk but the best was the coffee break, I did exactly the same today, LOOKED FOR ANY EXCUSE TO HAVE MY COFFEE BREAK :P

We are good at making these excuses for the coffee breaks, right? hahaha πŸ˜†

Nice intro! it was so catchy huh! I was convinced to stop and readπŸ˜ƒ now i know where's the safest pedestrian in the worldπŸ˜‚ Nice shots too πŸ˜€ Be safe😍

Yes, now it is public - the safest pedestrian crossing can be found in the place where I live now πŸ˜‚

Thank you, greetings πŸ‘‹

You're welcome!! i hope i can visit that place when the time comes and take a picture with it😍

What a nice place to live

I do the same thing myself, I find a beautiful place and go there with my friends to explore the place. Whenever we are doing it, we learn a lot and remember a lot and then here. From what we can see the scenery is much more beautiful and the roads are much cleaner.

a bright bluesky will catch my eyes . it is so nice walking if the weather condition is good . Have a nice wednesday walking.Your place and surrounding is so nice. I missed my Japan travel because its look likes their surroundings.Hope to visit your country . nice to see and know that they have a safest pedestrian crossing . hope all the country has an idea like that. have a nice day.

It was so windy, so I think it made the sky be so blue, though in the morning it rained and everything was grey haha, the weather was changing all the day
Thanks, a nice day to you too!

Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @dimascastillo90 from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our

Thank you πŸ™

The beauty of the place is very nice.

Thank you

You are welcome, my brother.

That pedestrian crossing with no road is just hilarious ike a glitch in real life.