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RE: The safest pedestrian crossing in the world 😁

in Wednesday Walk9 days ago

😂 You reminded me of one of my whiteboards from my Pinterest account. I called it "aberrant accessibility", there I kept examples like that of that safe pedestrian crossing. I don't know what will be in other countries, but here in Spain you will find examples like that everywhere. With the construction crisis of 2008 they multiplied. 🤣 Please be careful with your blood pressure and glucose level, if this kind of episode happens more often go to the doctor for a check up. ❤️


Hahaha, I imagine what examples you have had there 😂

Actually, @erikah just said she thought these examples exist just in her country haha, but now we see that Spain is competing here for that award 😂

It happens sometimes, not so often but when we used to walk every day in our old place I had the habit of taking some little snacks just in case, but I forgot about it. Gracias Paloma 😇

An example:

(Cosas muy locas!! 🤪)

Yes, @ Erika can be calm. In other countries we do things just as badly or worse. 🙄

Remember not to forget your saviour snack. 😘


I laughed out like crazy at this photo 🤣

We need to put up a sign: "Road to nowhere" 🤣