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RE: The sophistication. The Safari (A very special walk)

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

I try to put in all. Lol

Yeah, you told us not to dream but dreem. I guess the former done with eyes closed while the latter with the eyes open. Lol

Your favourite? Wow. It's nice cause it's the last. Maybe the best was preserved for the last. Hehehehe.

I don't know whose entry went in first. But it has been entered. Lol

Okay my fingers are crossed.


hehehehe I think Suny's went in first and Abidemi came right in the end! hehe

it is 1:50 am now - on early Friday morning

time for me to finally sleep - and then when I get back home tomorrow from the bakery - I will begin writing the announcement of winners post! hehehehe

see you then!

Okay. Have a sound sleep. Till you wake up.