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RE: Minimalist walk between shapes.

in Wednesday Walk11 hours ago (edited)

About Hodei Herreros' exhibition I read in a publication of the Junta de Andalucía that it is a look at the fragmentation of the body in medieval times. I think it has to do with the fact that through the details you can get an idea of the whole or establish a dialogue from the fragmented.

From the first exhibition I am seduced by the use of the elements in this case, cables, and the light... That creates shadows on the wall.

Atrapavientos is a title that makes me think of another Atrapamientos.
It is that you see skeins of emotions in which I saw myself trapped. You know that art is felt in dependence of what is lived.

Muy lindas fotos, amé las palmeras y qué rico terminar un paseo así con un café y buena compañía, con quien una realmente se siente a gusto conversando.


You did the research that I didn't do, I just got carried away! Thanks

Catches, sounds good, for that exhibition it makes sense. the coffee was super delicious!!!! I like that coffee shop and there are many like it in the city!