I can imagine. I say that the prices here are those in Europe. There is a wide variety of everything there. In that shop there was only that wheat flour, for example. The fridges were empty with only one pot of ice cream that cost 8 MLC. And in the meat section, only that type of ground meat and a packet of overpriced chicken breasts that I couldn't afford to buy.
Here a normal worker would be at €1200 a month, already discounted taxes and social security.
Here a normal worker earns 4500 CUP a month, that's what I was earning, that's why I resigned a few months ago.
Paloma, I have this photo for you... I don't have many left, of the entrance to the Escuela de Deporte de Alto Rendimiento Cerro Pelado, in Altahabana where I usually go to play frontenis.
I knew that they pay a pittance there but I didn't imagine that it bordered on slavery. What anger and what shame that there are no chances of a dignified life. 🤬
Thank you for remembering my lost hobby of the frontenis. I have a photo pending to take to give you in return, when the recovery from the flu allows me to return to the park of my walks. 😘
Hace unos minutos me curé la herida. Gracias por preocuparte, había olvidado decirte. Fui a casa de mi vecina para que me quitara la piel que quedó en tiritas en el dedo de mi mano derecha, porque yo con la mano izquierda no sé cortar con una tijera 😂 ... ¿oíste mis gritos allá?
Acerca de lo que dices... creo que un día voy a escribir un post 😂
Quien sepa cortar con tijeras usando la mano no dominante no es de fiar. 🤣🤣 Ay, ¿cómo no pusiste algo entre la piel y la tirita? Puede que tus gritos hayan llegado aquí en forma del vendaval que escucho fuera de mis ventanas.
No dejes de vigilar el rasguño minino. 👀