I hope the chickens appreciate your hospitality and leave an egg or two every now and then to show their appreciation. The owner has a nice arrangement with the chickens.
Let's hope the lettuce will be out of the woodchuck's reach this time.
I hope the chickens appreciate your hospitality and leave an egg or two every now and then to show their appreciation. The owner has a nice arrangement with the chickens.
Let's hope the lettuce will be out of the woodchuck's reach this time.
Do chickens like to eat tender fresh lettuce?
Erm, I think they might. Leave a few leaves outside and see if they go for them. 😊
I gave them some carrots yesterday, but they were not impressed. The carrots are gone this morning though, someone during the night must have enjoyed them.
I don't think carrots are their kind of food. But at least someone benefited from them. 😊