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RE: Exciting Title About A Stroll Through Civil War History

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Hey man, I needed that. Although I got see plenty of the color this year, most of it was from behind a windshield and steering wheel. I didn't get to walk in it, or take my clicky-do at precisely the right moment.

This was the next best thing.

On a more adversarial note, the earth is spherical in shape (an oblate spheroid, to be precise), not circular. Unless you're a flat-earther, which means you've been in Tennessee too long. Just two cents from a guy whose head that wasn't over.


You're welcome more than THIS. I say the pleasure's mine a lot but I mean it. I only lie to people I love.

We're not there yet.

I saw a big street art piece in Thessaloniki of earth once. It was huge, stainless steel. I think I posted a picture of it one time, maybe I didn't. Stood about 30 feet high, had each continent and stuff on it, all stainless. Really cool welds.

It was square.

I meant like a marble. Not marble like the kind you mine like granite, marble like the round things we used to play marbles with. I see what you mean, I need to explain myself better.