The zoo put a bunch of pumpkins out for decoration and the fall season. Everyone puts their kids against this backdrop for photos including me lol.Here's a weekend trip to a local petting zoo for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
The first critter we saw was a mini horse. Some days they let kids ride them.
This is some kind of Norwegian horse that is pretty small and stumpy, barely larger than a donkey.
Speaking of donkeys, the baby really loved petting this one. All the animals are used to getting petted by loads of children all day long.
We stayed far away from the lamas as they tend to spit on you.
Now for a lazy pig. These were a smaller breed of pig compared to the ones we see at the state fair that are enormous.
Fall really brings out the spiders over here. This looks like a typical argiope garden spider, it was hanging out on the coyote pen.
Coyotes tend to be nocturnal and this one was busy taking a nap next to the deer pen.
The deer doesn't look too pleased that a coyote is its neighbor. The other neighbor is a bobcat but it was busy sleeping out of view and I couldn't get a photo.
That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)
btw check out that cool punk design on the spider
It sort of reminds me of the Queensryche logo more of a hair metal type of band lol.
I can see that. Hair bands weren't short on style lol just short on musical ability sometimes (Queensryche excepted of course)
Looks like another band to feature for #threetunetuesday
Beautiful photographs, without a doubt it would have been a beautiful experience
Happy walking WednesdayI love this zoo, there are many varieties of animals to see dear friend @sketch.and.jam it's good that your child loves to socialize and touch the animals
There were quite a few birds there too but I saved them for feathered friends. The baby really likes petting the sheep and donkeys.
LoL! That deer should better accept coyote as his neighbor and be pleased 😀 the animals looks great, I think they need put that pig on a diet 😅 he is too lazy
The deer can get the coyote to chase off the bobcat if it gets out. The pigs have it easy, just eat and sleep and no one wants to pet them lol.
I think petting zoos are such a great idea especially for kids living in more urban areas who have very little or any interaction with animals
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
They are great fun, we might have to move into the stick soon to be able to affor a house, then we can have goats and chickens lol.
Such lovely colors !
Fall is the best for colors.