Wednesday Walk - Visiting the Tank Garden

Here is a walk at a tank garden for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

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The tanks are everywhere on a large garden landscape hiding amongst the tree.

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All shapes and sizes of them exist from different eras of warfare. As impressive as these are we didn't come here for the tanks.

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We came here for the nice manicured gardens. The flowers were all blooming and many types of bees were out collecting pollen.

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The bees were especially obsessed with the rose garden area.

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Every time a gust of wind would go by the roses let out lots of fragrance. Almost every rose had a bee in it.

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I wonder where their hive is. I suspect here might be bee boxes somewhere on the garden's grounds.

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This was in the rock garden area. I'm not sure what plant this is but it seemed fine growing out of almost no soil.

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The fall festival was happening here as well as a few weddings. We had to weave our way through multiple ceremonies to see their pumpkin displays.

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Finally we made it to a little wading pond area where my daughter likes to walk through the tiny stream.

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I was hoping to get a tiny frog with a lotus flower in the same frame but of course the frog jumped away at the last minute.

The rest of the time was spent managing my daughter. She really wanted to collect all the pumpkins out of the displays and I had to work some jedi mind tricks to distract her from the gourds.

Fortunately squirrel diversionary tactics worked. Plenty of tame squirrels were hanging around burying acorns in preparation for winter.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Such a fun walk. Lots to see.
A shame the frog hopped away.

Hahaha collecting all the pumpkins, so sweet.
Beautiful captures 😊 enjoy your day!

I might try an ai test to see if it can put a decent looking frog on the lily pad. My daughter got to go to a pumpkin patch later to finally pick some out that she could take with her.

Why not… it should be able to do so. But you can in photoshop yourself 😎

That’s great, I bet she liked that.

the tanks are cool but the flowers are so beautiful and vibrant

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk

Have a great day

The roses were in their prime for fragrance at the time.

Cute fall shot of your daughter 👍 I can't decide which is funnier the contrast of the flowers and the tanks or the idea of weddings being the beginning of a war 😂 both the flowers and the weddings strike me as odd for a tank park lol

Haha there were 5 limo busees lined up for at least three weddings. I wish I would have taken a photo of the bridesgrooms and maides on one of the tanks. Just didn't want to be too creepy lol.