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RE: Wednesday Walk and Talk

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago (edited)

It was indeed a very delightful day for me.

Yeah that describes my son pretty well. He is always running and that his profession requires him to makes things even worse. LOL

The other guy has just found his freedom and he is misusing it to the maximum extent possible. LOL
It is so hard to get a seat in Med school and I really hope it goes to those with passion to do well.
But yeah the university won't allow him to take the exam if he doesn't have the minimum points.
They are pretty strict and repeating the year with a new batch and paying the fee will hopefully hit him between the eyes sooner than later.
Thanks for stopping by @hillarypowers


Yeah, well. I guess it's safe to say your son picked the perfect profession. Lol.

Also, it's true, having to repeat a year or two has been effective at motivating lazy students.