Wednesday Walk and Talk

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago


Today I had to take my second antivirus jab and that meant that I had to venture out of home. I spent a couple of hours on the road driving two and fro, but this isn't about that I went to the hospital where my son works and studies to take the jab. No waiting, no ques, parents of doctors have the first preference since could be in the high exposure category for the virus. It was done in twelve minutes including the wait after the jab.


We walked around the campus for a bit, enjoy the lawns and the frangipanis all around. This institute happens to be my Alma-mater so it was like reloading my brain with some precious memories as we walked along. This place is full of trees and the bird songs here were amazing. Parakeets and sunbirds could be heard but not seen.

My older son is talks to me all the time, we haven't seen him in four weeks now as he hasn't had a day off since he left home last month. He had a lot of stories to tell about his patients and staff at the hospital. He took us to his room and he just wouldn't stop talking and as usual, my husband went to sleep in the middle of this conversation. Most of this jabber was with me anyways.


One story he told me made me laugh so much. One of his patients a boy of 19 who fell off a tree injuring his spine and couldn't walk was operated on by son earlier. This boy had described my son to his father as someone who doesn't walk but runs, someone who is here now and vanishes the next minute, who is so caught up in his work that he would never see anyone until you stop him to address him. The boy was back in the hospital and asked his father to find this doctor (as he didn't know my son's name) for him. My son is currently posted at the ER of neurosurgery. This boy's father was around the ER area and just from the description his son gave him he was able to identify my son. I laughed so much when I heard that story, because that is how my son is. Running across this huge campus seems to be his hallmark.

He also told me about his mad dash to the ICU without noticing the "caution Wet cleaning being done " board and how he went flying across the corridor. His patients and other janitor staff came running to pick him off the floor. His patient's relative straightened out his folded leg. That made me laugh out so long and hard I had tears in my eyes.


He them played some amazing music for me on his keyboard and the three of us sang a couple of songs together. He made up for every moment we lost in the last four weeks. He had to get back to the hospital as the calls from the ER were coming in fast and thick.

We then drove to see our younger son who is another 15 minute drive away. He had just finished classes for the day. We went for a stroll together around the campus as I love the greenery around. Besides there are all kinds of insects crawling around here.


Here were these humongous centipedes in action. These were busy doing their own thing. I was hoping to see them separate and craw on their own, we waited for a few minutes but no luck. we went ahead for a long walk and when we returned 45 minutes later they were still in the same position making love. LOL these guys do have some tenacity.


We walked towards the deer enclosure. I was hoping to get some great pictures, so I gathered a few handfuls of fresh lush green grass. To my disappointment the caretaker had just come with a huge wheelbarrow load of water melon. The deer turned their back on me and went after the watermelon. Who would want to eat grass LOL when you have sweet water melon on your plate? It was like they were saying stuff it down your throat or whatever.


Just next to the deer enclosure was this huge bougainvillea bush in full bloom, it looked so pretty that I had to show it to you. Sadly the enclosure fence obstructs the beauty a bit, but you can still enjoy it.


These pink flower vines were all over the place. They had this mild but enchanting scent about them. The flowers looked so stunning even as they were wilting in the hot afternoon sun.

As we walked around Mark my younger son kept telling me story after story. He has had to share his room with another young man for a few months. This guy is from the Northeast part of our country. My son had us laughing with descriptions of this guys routine. Right now they have been having internal tests and viva and this is what adds up as a qualifier for taking the 1st year exams at the end of this year.


This young man has been getting drunk, eating and sleeping all the time. So when he went for his viva he could not answer any of the questions put to him by the professor. The young man kept telling him that he didn't know the answer, by the time they came to the 6th question the young man told him, "Sir why waste your time on me, if I didn't know the first five be assured that I won't know the rest." The professor just burst out laughing even though he was angry as he told him, "Young man, if you don't bother to know these don't bother to stay on here and waster your father's hard earned money. Besides this isn't just about you this is about the lives of the future patients who will be under your care". Funny as it was it was a serious warning to the young man.


I had two intentions when I went to meet my son one was obviously to spend time with him and the next was to take pictures of birds and insects on the campus. I was so excited to see him that I forgot to take my camera from the car. That was uncharacteristic of me since I am a shutter bug and I am always click happy. I had to make do with my phone.

In our excitement to see our younger son I realized that I had also left my purse with the house keys behind in our older son's room. This mean that we drive all the way back once again spend a few more minutes (double joy) with him before we drove back home.

It was such a delightful day, I was so happy to see my sons after a gap of four weeks. There were smiles plastered on our faces as we drove home. Hubs and I were repeating the funny things the boys had to say and laughed all the way back home. Amazingly the drive back wasn't as bad as we expected, perhaps we were to happy to notice any traffic snarls that we usually face.

All imges used here are the sole property of @sofs-su

Thanks for taking the time to read.


Yours was a pleasurable Wednesday, if you asked me.
The part about your first son being identified by one of his patient's father based on that funny description really cracked me up. Lol

And the other guy who couldn't answer any of the professor's questions might just not be interested in studying medicine. Probably, he's being forced to do so by his parents.

It was indeed a very delightful day for me.

Yeah that describes my son pretty well. He is always running and that his profession requires him to makes things even worse. LOL

The other guy has just found his freedom and he is misusing it to the maximum extent possible. LOL
It is so hard to get a seat in Med school and I really hope it goes to those with passion to do well.
But yeah the university won't allow him to take the exam if he doesn't have the minimum points.
They are pretty strict and repeating the year with a new batch and paying the fee will hopefully hit him between the eyes sooner than later.
Thanks for stopping by @hillarypowers

Yeah, well. I guess it's safe to say your son picked the perfect profession. Lol.

Also, it's true, having to repeat a year or two has been effective at motivating lazy students.

Glad you were able to get the second jab and a nice walk in beautiful photos, the story of the description of your son gave me a chuckle :)

I am so tired now that I can sit here and sleep as I type.. I guess I must have got my 10000 steps in today.Thank you @tattoodjay for walking with me virtually through the day.

My pleasure and 19K steps is a good day

A great day I would say!! 🤣

Oops I meant 10k been a while since I did over 10 k other than yesterday I have slowed down a bit this year

I knew it was a typo , its okay. Hope you're having a great day.

A quiet start to the day today it is pouring down so no morning walk for me today

-Hi Ma'am @sofs Hehehe..I was so sleepy, then this beautiful flowers made me to become like I just woke up from a good sleep heh pretty!!!! I can feel your happiness being with your sons! And the sweet family bonding in a good place with wonderful creatures and was truly a great Wednesday walk! Have a blessed day!❤🌷


Sorry I woke you up with my post.. yip I missed my boys a lot during the last four weeks and it was fun to be back with them and listening to all their stories.

Oh my Gwad! Can't take off my eyes from this beautiful flowers, ma'am @sofs-su , i wish I have beautiful flowers like this in my surrounding but unfortunately, reverse is the case... hehehehe

Thanks to God That's you're able to complete the second jab was completed successfully, and I could see the joy of seeing your son after four weeks written all over you, you guys ready had a nice moment with each other .

Oh my🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing when I a child was describing your son someone who doesn't walk but run, that's is to show that's he's one kind of serious person..

The story of whom he shares his room with made me to laugh too, sounds so funny and silly of the man, could not even answer a single question, ho my Gwad! That's so bad, is not better to go home rather than wasting money for what he doesn't know or understand?

You really enjoyed your moment taking beautiful pictures too, but I don't like that's insect, it's irritates me, I could remember during our practical in school, it was brought to our table as one of our specimen, though it's the dead one, u could not even move close to it. It's scares

This is indeed a fantabulous Wednesday walk for you, wish u had a Walk like yours, I was busy up and down with lectures at school, all good and fine.. hehehehe

Any Time I had the chance to visit your post, I always enjoy every bit of it, weldone ma'am @sofs-su.

We got the second jab mostly because Hubs has to get back to work after a four month break.
LOL yeah the way the boys tell the story is funnier.
Thanking for taking the time to read Mary.
I am sure you are studying very hard , best wishes to you.
Have a wonderful day!Glad you like the pictures @maryjacy.

Exactly, it will be more funnier if I was there, I know I'm going to laugh out my ass to the extent of rolling on the floor if I was there..... hehehehe

Yeah, everything is going on fine by God's grace, I spent most of my time in school work, but glad I'm getting s positive results at the end too.

Thanks ma'am

It's good to be around your children especially when you have seen each other for so long. I also smiled when he was talking about his 19 year old patient. This proofs that your son has been known for his act in the hospital.
The centipede is so big too.
I hope to see deer in reality someday.

Oh yes, I miss them so much when they are not around.
Glad to put that smile on your face.
Actually there are two there making love lol
Seriously you haven't seen a deer? Hmm I thought they are common at least in parks and stuff.
Thanks for stopping by @princessbusayo

I can relate with that kind of laughter. When someone says something joking but you know that everything that's being said is true, it can be so so funny.

You'll go like "hahahahaha, that's my son, that's my son". Lol

You day was quite eventful.

I love the snapshot, they are so beautiful.

Too bad that the centipede refused to unfold itself.

It was indeed an amazing day. Yip I was like yeah that's Kevin, that's my son. LoL
Actually that was a couple of centipedes making love lol. Those are tenacious 😂😂
Thanks for stopping by to admire the flowers I was so busy talking that I forgot to take pictures of the other zing flowers there.

You're welcome.

You told funny story after funny story! No surprise that you were among the winners this week! Do feel free to go see the other winners on the announcement blog! :)

I love to see how close your family is and the chatterboxes that your boys are. Sounds like they just love spending time with you - even when Dad is sleeping through the convo! hahahaha

Wonderful entry! Hope to see you back again next week? Thanks so much!

Yeah the younger one isn't as much of a chatterbox as the older one.. but I guess for boys their age 26 and 20 they do talk a lot LOL (I guess its more with me)
The hubs loves his little power naps , he says he prepares himself to drive through the traffic.
It was such a lovely day and I had to share it
Thanks for reading it.Oh I won!! Thank you @dreemport.

it was SO entertaining!!! I could really feel myself beside you hehehehe

another Wednesday is upon us... hope to see you in the challenge if you can!!! :) if not - its ok! spread the word to anyone else you think might enjoy it! :)

the post is up on @dreemsteem's blog - and I reblogged it too

Thank you, I need to get out of the house LOL. The are laying the road right up to my poarch and we cannot get out.
Sure I will ask people to join in the fun.

Sounds perfect! Whoever is here is meant to be here! hehehe we will just enjoy the day and hope we have some new material to curate! heheheh